A synonym for changable is adaptable.
A synonym for common noun is word.
A synonym for debris is garbage. An antonym for debris is cleanliness.
detector or metal detectors
a synonym is like more than one word that means the same thing
works well, efficient
Efficient, operative, successful.
Actually occurring. Synonym: Real or Effective
Dirty, unsick, disgrace, effective
Persuasive, vivid and effective have the same meaning as eloquence.
Synonyms: convenient, worthwhile, profitable, advantageous, effective, appropriate, beneficial, fit, possible, suitable Antonyms: inexpedient, inappropriate, unprofitable, unbeneficial
What is synonym for merchant? What is synonym for merchant?
This depends somewhat upon context. Sometimes potency refers to male fertility. At other times it refers to power or strength. A potent drink has a high alcohol content and is therefore strong. A potent drug is very effective.
What is the synonym government.
you are a synonym of abandoned.