See related link as welland for animals its:-ANIMAL ↕SCIENTIFIC NAME ↕EXPLANATION ↕camelCamelus dromedariusCamelus dromedarius is the scientific name for the dromedary camel.catFelis domesticusFelis domesticus is the scientific name for the feral cat.cowHeracleum lanatumHeracleum lanatum is the scientific name for the cow.dogCanis familiarisCanis familiaris is the scientific name for the feral dog.elephantElephas maximusElephas maximus is the scientific name for the Asian elephant.foxAlopex lagopusAlopex lagopus is the scientific name for the Arctic fox.frogRana tigrinaRana tigrina is the scientific name for the frog.giraffeGiraffa camelopardalisGiraffa camelopardalisis the scientific name for the giraffe.horseEquus caballusEquus caballus is the scientific name for the horse.leopardPanthera pardusPanthera pardus is the scientific name for the leopard.lionPanthera leoPanthera leo is the scientific name for the lion.manHomo sapiensHomo sapiens is the scientific name for the man.ratRattus rattusRattus rattus is the scientific name for the black rat.rhinocerosDiceros bicornisDiceros bicornis is the scientific name for the black rhinoceros.tigerPanthera tigrisPanthera tigris is the scientific name for the tiger.whaleBalaenoptera musculusBalaenoptera musculus is the scientific name for the blue whale.wolfCanis lupusCanis lupus is the scientific name for the gray wolf.zebraEquus zebraEquus zebra is the scientific name for the mountain zebra.if you want more info on this the this is the web site:-
Artocarpus heterophyllus is the scientific name of Jackfruit
Red, green, and yellow peppers are slightly acidic. Black pepper contains acid as well as being acid producing. Black pepper stimulates your stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretion.
Scientific name: Globicephala
100 g of salt has the exact same mass as 100 g of pepper. However, pepper is less dense than salt so equal volumes of salt and pepper would have the salt have a greater mass.
The botanical name of black pepper is Piper nigrum.
The scientific name for the herbal plant pepper is Piper nigrum. It is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, known for producing the black, white, and green peppercorns that are commonly used as spices in cooking.
The hot banana pepper goes by the scientific name Capsicum annuum.
The scientific name for pepper trees is Schinus molle.
The scientific name would be Piper nigrum.
scientific name of jute The Question is not answered. Please answer this Question. It's a good one.
The scientific name would be Capsicum eximium.
The scientific name would be Capsicum sp..
The scientific name would be Xylopia aromatica.
The name of black pepper in Hindi is "काली मिर्च" (kali mirch).
Black pepper? Piper nigrum.
Solanaceae/Night Shade