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By losing protons. Atomic number determines what kind of element it is. ---------------------------- This can only happen if the nucleus changes its number of protons because the nucleus is unstable and undergoes radioactive decay. As it changes it will emit some form of radiation

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1mo ago

An atom of one element can change to an atom of another element through nuclear reactions such as nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, or radioactive decay. During these processes, the atomic structure of the original element is altered to produce a new element with a different number of protons.

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11y ago

An element could change to another element only by adding or removing protons. This could be achieved by nuclear fusion, nuclear fission or radioactive decay.

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11y ago

The answer is transmission, because the changing of one element into anotherthrough radioactive decay is called transmutation.

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13y ago

when they bond to gether to form a convalent bond ( when electrons are shared between atoms) for example when one hydrogen bonds with an oxygen and another hydrogen= H2O (H-O-H)

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Q: How can an atom of one element change to an atom of another element?
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What happens if you change the number of protons of an element?

The element transforms itself into another element because each element have a specific number of protons. If the number of protons changes, the element changes as well. The number of protons in an atom defines it elemental identity, so if the number of protons in an element increases by one it becomes another element. Although this reference doesn't really provide a direct answer, it does provide additional information that might be of interest:

Did cl change oxidation number tue or false?

True. A change in oxidation number occurs when there is a transfer of electrons from one atom to another, leading to a change in the oxidation state of an element in a chemical compound.

What is proton or atomic number?

A proton is a subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom. Protons have a positive electric charge. The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of one of its atoms. Therefore, if you change the number of protons in an atom, you change the element.

Which type of decay does not result in the change of one element into another?

Alpha decay does not result in the change of one element into another element. In alpha decay, a radioactive atom emits an alpha particle, which is a helium nucleus consisting of two protons and two neutrons. The parent atom loses two protons through this process, but it remains the same element because its atomic number decreases by 2 to account for the lost protons.

What is the smallest amount of an element?

The smallest amount of an element is one atom. Atoms are the basic unit of an element and cannot be divided further without losing the element's properties.

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What distinguishes the atom of one element from the atom another element?

the number of protons

If the number of protons in an atom changes a new element is formed?

Yes, changing the number of protons in an atom results in a different element because the number of protons determines the element's identity on the periodic table. This change alters the atomic number, which defines the element's chemical properties.

What part of an atom can move to another object?

When an atom of one element is brought in contact with an atom of another element, electrons get transferred from one element to another. However, if the atoms of same element come together then electrons are shared and not transferred. Exception to this is elements in noble gases.

What is the main difference between an atom of one element and an atom of another element?

I do not know i am gust a kid and this is my homework.

What is an atomic number and how is it used to distinguish one element from another?

It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. It defines what element the atom is.

What kind of reaction can change one element into another?

Nuclear reactions are the only type of reaction that can change one element into another. This occurs when the nucleus of an atom undergoes a change, such as through fusion, fission, or radioactive decay.

How you can find how many atoms can have one element?

One atom must be one and only one element (radioactivity allows an atom to change from one element into another, but it can still only be one element at a time). One element can have any number of atoms, though certain combinations are common: all of the elements that are gases at room temperature (that aren't noble gases) exist as diatomic molecules.

What is a pure substance that is composed of only one type of atom?

A pure substance made of only one type of atom is an element.An element, or elementary substance.An element.

Does plutonium change its element when melted if so to what?

No. Melting does not change one element into another.

What happens if you change the number of protons of an element?

The element transforms itself into another element because each element have a specific number of protons. If the number of protons changes, the element changes as well. The number of protons in an atom defines it elemental identity, so if the number of protons in an element increases by one it becomes another element. Although this reference doesn't really provide a direct answer, it does provide additional information that might be of interest:

Did cl change oxidation number tue or false?

True. A change in oxidation number occurs when there is a transfer of electrons from one atom to another, leading to a change in the oxidation state of an element in a chemical compound.