In evolutionary Biology, a group of organisms share common descent if they have a common ancestor. There is strong quantitative support for the theory that all living organisms on Earth are descended from a common ancestor
Technically it can't be proven, but remember gravity is still considered a theory in the world of physics.
Because the word "theory" doesn't mean the same thing in science as it does in general public. In science, theory is the strongest and the most rigid idea that is backed by mountain of evidence, facts, repeated experiments, and various laws/hypotheses. Things like the theory of evolution or the theory of tectonic plate are known to be the best explanation that science has to give. There is no such thing as a provable theory, so being a theory is the highest caliber of scientific idea. All theories can be completely rejected, but none can be fully accepted and proven. Those that have not been rejected have withstood the test of time to be the best explanation out there.
See related link below for more information regarding scientific theory.
It is considered a theory because it is substantiated by evidence. In the scientific sense, a theory is a proposition that is supported by evidence, either direct or indirect. With out some of observable evidence, it is only a hypothesis. Theories CAN be changed or proven false as new information is learned or as the INTERPRETATION of information is changed. Evolutionary theory can be said to be true, as the theory itself has evolved over time! :)
The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution was created in 1983.
The theory of evolution by natural selection. Charles Darwin. A+
I don't exactly know why evolutionists refer to it as a theory, but I do know this. A theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning. According to the definition of a theory, evolution is not a theory. Evolution cannot be based on observation. No one was here to observe it. So evolution should be classified as a hypothesis not a theory. It is only a guess as to how things came about.
Answer 1A theory. Just as E=Mc2 is the theory of relativity.Answer 2Evolution is both a fact and a theory, although the fact and the theory of evolution are - at least in my book - two different things:The fact of evolution is the observation that lifeforms evolve over time.The theory of evolution is the model that explains how they evolve, and how that applies to our findings in genetics and palaeontology. The theory of evolution incorporates a number of well-tested hypotheses, laws, and facts.
Random processes are not part of the theory of evolution by natural selection.
Theory of evolution refers to animals and plants evolution along the time. Language evolution is another issue, not entirely related to the theory of evolution. It follows the theory of evolution on some way but it is related to culture evolution, not to the physical attributes evolution.
Evolution is an observed and observable fact. The theory of evolution by natural selection explains many things about evolution. The theory generates testable hypothesis, as any good theory does. Remember, theory is the highest concept in science.
There are many books that describe the theory of evolution. For example, there is a book called Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory.
The scientific movement accepts the Theory of Evolution. The Theory is the basis for the science of biology.
the most prevalent theory of evolution is called natural selection.
The ISBN of The Theory of Evolution is 0-14-020433-4.
The theory of evolution by natural selection. ( I assume you meant accepted )
The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution was created in 1983.
The generally accepted theory of evolution by natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin
Make me cum daddy~! Make me moan~!
The theory of evolution is that all living things come from other living things.
Evolution is the divine plan.