The primary consumer
The principle of natural selection is that the fastest or the strongest (in other words the most skill at a trait) would be the most desirable mate and the weak ones that lacked these skills or mutations like thumbs would not be mated with. So the principle of natural selection is we will always find the strongest, fastest or the most intelligent or other advanced traits more desirable.
The four main kinds of passive transport are diffusion, facilitated diffusion, filtration and osmosis. Osmosis always deals with the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane. Water always moves toward the side that is higher in solutes (mainly salt). It does this to balance the two sides. Osmosis always follows salt is one of the best ways to remember this.
50% grade = slope of 1/2 = (one half unit of rise)/(one unit of run) = arctan(0.5) = 26.565 degrees Check validity with tangent function: tan(26.565 degrees)=0.5 tan() function always gives you the slope, if you put in degrees. Arctan does the inverse.
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The principle of complementarity of structure and function.
Yes, the structure of a body part is closely related to its function. The specific anatomical features of a body part are designed to support its particular function, allowing it to perform its role efficiently. This relationship between structure and function is a fundamental principle in biology known as form follows function.
Referential transparency
IN biology structure always determines biology. I was doing a crossword puzzle and I couldn't figure it out then it just clicked!
No, RNA is not always single stranded. It can exist as single stranded or double stranded depending on its function and structure.
Always has been, always will be !!
I am laughing. You are laughing. She/He is laughing. We are laughing. They are laughing. The present continuous tense follows this structure: Subject + auxiliary verb "be" + Present Participle (always ending in -ing)
Yes, a polynomial function is always continuous
A cause always has an effect.
According to Chargaff's rules, the amount of adenine always equals the amount of thymine in a DNA molecule. Similarly, the amount of guanine always equals the amount of cytosine. This principle is fundamental to the structure of DNA and base pairing.
a principle that is in effect always and everywhere.