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Q: What is the mode of seed dispersal of rice?
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What is the mode of seed dispersal of hair seed of madar?

The hair seed of madar is dispersed by wind, as the hair-like structures attached to the seeds help them to be carried away by the wind to new locations for germination.

What is the importance of seed dispersal?

Dispersal is important because it is the scattering of seed away from plant

How does rice disperse seed?

The rice plant disperse its seeds by shattering its fruits (grains) on maturity. These fruits called caryopsis are carried by water currents to various places and germinate to form new rice plant after getting suitable environment.

Do Venus Fly Trap have seed dispersal?

Yes, Venus Fly Traps do use seed dispersal to multiply.

What are 3 mechanisms and adaptations for seed dispersal?

Three mechanisms for seed dispersal are wind dispersal (seeds carried by wind currents), animal dispersal (seeds carried by animals), and water dispersal (seeds carried by water currents). Adaptations for seed dispersal include structures like wings or hairs on seeds that aid in wind dispersal, fruit that attracts animals to eat and disperse seeds, and buoyant seed coats that enable water dispersal.

What is duckweed seed dispersal method?

Duckweed seed dispersal primarily occurs through water movement, birds, or human activities. Duckweed seeds are very small and lightweight, allowing them to float on water surfaces and be easily transported to new locations. The seeds may also stick to the feathers or feet of birds, which can aid in their dispersal to different water bodies.

What kind of the seed dispersal of violet?

Violets primarily disperse their seeds through mechanical means. The seeds are contained within capsules that burst open when mature, allowing the seeds to be flung away from the parent plant. Additionally, ants are known to aid in seed dispersal by carrying the seeds to new locations.

What is seed dispersed?

The scattering of seeds is called seed dispersal.

What is plant seed habit?

Plant seed habit refers to the way in which seeds are dispersed by plants. This can include methods such as wind dispersal, animal dispersal, water dispersal, or self-dispersal. Different plant species have adapted different seed dispersal strategies to ensure their seeds are spread effectively to new locations for germination.

Do raspberries have seed dispersal?


How will corn seed dispersal?

by animals

What does seed dispersal?

competion for the plant.