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Q: What is the mental needs of a person?
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How do you feed a person with mental illness?

Just like anyone else just be sensitive to the needs of the person, and realize that a rounded diet is important for anyone with mental illness or not.

What is mental needs?

What Are Mental Needs? mental needs are things that satisfy the needs of our brains e.g. maths puzzles, wordsearches and brain training activities.

A person who doesn't care what happens?

A person who doesn't care what happens is someone who needs to go to mental health. I'm not trying to be mean, but someone who doesn't care needs help.

What is typically involved when a person seeks mental health counseling?

When a person seeks mental health counseling, there is no set procedure. Each mental health professional has their own way of proceeding to help individuals who seek help. The first step would be an assessment of needs.

How can neglect affect someone's development?

Basically, Neglect affects someone's development such that when the needs of that someone is not met, then development is halted or could suffer. Development of a person depends on whether his or her needs are met as a person. It is not only the physical needs and survival needs but also holistic needs including mental, social and emotional needs. When there is neglect, the needs are not met and the person will be deprived thus affects her development.

What can happen when a person has unmet needs?

self neglect. poor diet, feeleing isolated, deterioation in mental and pyhcsical well being

A holistic approach to health defines health in terms of the whole person?

A holistic approach to health considers all aspects of a person's needs: mental, social, spiritual, and physical.

Why don't people seek assistance for mental health issues?

because a mentally ill person is not capable of deciding if he needs medical care.

How the mental state of a person who has only one kidney?

The presence of only one kidney should not change the mental status of a person, unless they have progressed to renal failure. In that case their kidney doesn't work and toxins are building up in the blood. In end stage renal failure, the person needs to be on dialysis.

What is the difference between physiological and psychological needs?

Physiological needs are essential requirements for survival like food, water, and shelter, while psychological needs refer to emotional and mental requirements such as love, belonging, and self-esteem. Physiological needs are more focused on physical well-being, while psychological needs are related to mental and emotional well-being.

What are special needs?

Special needs can range from behavior disorders, mental, physical and emotional disabilities.