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Loudness is affected by parameters other than sound pressure, including frequency and duration. In acoustics volume is related to amplitude, sound pressure, and dynamics.

The loudness of a sound can be measured by a sound pressure level meter. It belongs to psycho acoustics.
Loudness is a subjective measure, which is often confused with objective measures of sound prtessure such as decibels or sound intensity. Filters such as A-weighting attempt to adjust sound measurements to correspond to loudness as perceived by the average human. However, as the perception of loudness varies from person to person it cannot be universally measured using any single metric.

There is subjectivly perceived loudness (volume), objectively measured sound pressure (voltage), and theoretically calculated sound intensity (acoustic power).

Scroll down to related links and look at "All about loudness".

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4mo ago

The loudness of sound waves is associated with their amplitude, which determines the intensity or volume of the sound. The higher the amplitude, the louder the sound. Sound waves with greater amplitudes create more intense vibrations in the air, resulting in a louder sound.

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14y ago

Loudness is affected by parameters other than sound pressure, including frequency and duration. In acoustics volume is related to amplitude, sound pressure, and dynamics.

The loudness of a sound can be measured by a sound pressure level meter. It belongs to psycho acoustics.

Loudness is a subjective measure, which is often confused with objective measures of sound prtessure such as decibels or sound intensity. Filters such as A-weighting attempt to adjust sound measurements to correspond to loudness as perceived by the average human. However, as the perception of loudness varies from person to person it cannot be universally measured using any single metric.

There is subjectivly perceived loudness (volume), objectively measured sound pressure (voltage), and theoretically calculated sound intensity (acoustic power).

Scroll down to related links and look at "All about loudness".

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13y ago

The loudness of a wave is mesured in aplitude.

Aplitude is how "high" the wave gets at each wavelength (try picturing a wave in the water seen from the side)

Keep in mind that soundwaves is just a simple metaphore for air pressure osselation, where amplitude is high the air pressure gets

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11y ago

The loudness or volume of waves is generally measured in decibels. The softest sound that can be heard by the human ear is 0 dB. Normal conversation is about 60 dB which is 10[sup]6[/sup] more powerful than that.

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12y ago

Pitches of sound is determined by the sound waves. the closer the waves are to each other, the higher the pitch. Farther away causes lower pitch. Loudness however, is determine on the quantity of air that is moved by the action. The louder you yell, the farther the waves (vibrations) will travel through the air. That is why in space, where there is no air, there is no sound. "Loudness" is measured in decibels.

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12y ago

Depends on what "these" are.

It is amplitude

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15y ago

Amplitude is the part of a wave that the loudness of a sound depends on.

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Q: What is associated with the loudness of sound waves?
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Which of these associated with the loudness of sound waves?

The amplitude of sound waves is associated with the loudness of the sound. A larger amplitude produces a louder sound, while a smaller amplitude produces a quieter sound.

Which of these is associated with loudness of sound waves?

Depends on what "these" are. It is amplitude

What determines the loudness of sound waves?

The amplitude determines the loudness of a sound wave.

How do you Compare the loudness of sound waves that constructively interfere with the loudness of sound waves that destructively interfere?

The loudness of sound waves that constructively interfere adds up, resulting in a louder sound. On the other hand, sound waves that destructively interfere cancel each other out, leading to a softer or quieter sound.

What is the opposite of loudness in science?

The opposite of loudness in science is quietness or silence. Loudness refers to the intensity of sound waves, while silence denotes the absence of sound waves.

which of these is associated with the loudness of waves?

Depends on what "these" are. It is amplitude

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Loudness is the human perception of sound wave?

The amplitude of sound waves is what humans perceive as loudness.

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What is associated with the sound's loudness?

The loudness of a sound is associated with the amplitude of the sound wave. A higher amplitude corresponds to a louder sound. The unit used to measure sound amplitude is decibels (dB).

What property of sound waves is related to the amplitude of the waves?

The amplitude of a sound wave is related to its intensity, which determines the loudness of the sound. Sound waves with greater amplitude produce louder sounds, while sound waves with smaller amplitude produce softer sounds.