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Q: What is the influence of scientific ideas on the progression of thought from the scientific revolution to the enlightenment?
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How was the influence of Greek and Roman idea similar to the influence of the scientific revolution on the enlightenment?

The influence of Greek and Roman ideas on the Enlightenment can be seen in the emphasis on reason, logic, and the pursuit of knowledge. Similarly, the Scientific Revolution emphasized observation, experimentation, and empirical evidence in the quest for understanding the natural world. Both periods placed importance on critical thinking and the advancement of knowledge through a systematic and rational approach.

How did the enlightenment influence the glorious revolution?

Its actually the other way around, the glorious revolution influenced the enlightenment. (it came first...)

How did the enlightenment ideas influence the french?

How the Enlightenment influenced the French Revolution was by challenging the monarchy and the wealthiest classes .

How did isaac influence with enlightenment?

Isaac Newton greatly influenced the Enlightenment by advancing scientific thought with his laws of motion and theory of universal gravitation. His work laid the foundation for the scientific revolution and helped shift society towards a more rational and evidence-based approach to understanding the natural world.

What was the strongest influence on the enlightenment?

The strongest influence on the Enlightenment was the scientific revolution, which emphasized reason, empirical evidence, and the power of human knowledge. This led thinkers to question traditional authority and beliefs, sparking a movement towards individual rights, democracy, and freedom of thought.

How did enlightenment influence the revolution?

the enlightment gave people the idea of basic rights and democracy.

What was the main influence of the Enlightenment expressed through?

It was expressed through practical scientific experimentation.

Which period of history had the greatest influence on the enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason?

The period of Renaissance and Reformation had the greatest influence on Enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason. During this time, thinkers like Thomas Aquinas, Niccolò Machiavelli, and John Locke laid the groundwork for concepts of natural law and reason that would later shape Enlightenment philosophy.

Which period of history had the greatest influence on enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason?

Scientific Revolution

How did the enlightenment ideas influence the development of the American revolution?

It rejected traditional social, religious, and political values.

What is the relationship between the Enlightenment and the transatlantic revolutions?

The revolution owes much of its effort to the philosophical inspiration of Enlightenment and bear witness to its immense influence in world history.

How did the Enlightenment ideas influence the American Revolution and Constitution?

It rejected traditional social, religious, and political values.