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Gases displace oxygen, and heavy gasses will sit under oxygen containing air, hence if you are in a confined space it is necessary to know about the potential lack of air supply to breathe, aswell as the potential of combustion and the like.

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Q: What is the importance of knowing about heavy gases when entering a confined space?
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After B.P of water .Can further heating increase the vapor pressure?

Of course. It's a fundamental principle of gases that when a gas is heated, its pressure increases if it's confined, and it expands of it's not confined.

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The glass on the greenhouse stops temperature from leaving or entering like the gases do to the earth.The atmospheric gases are called 'greenhouse gases' based on the idea that the gases 'trap' heat like the walls of a greenhouse do

What is suck-back?

Suck-backhappens when hot gases in a confined apparatus cool and cause water to enter the apparatus

Why do gases spread to fill a space?

In the same way that water poured into a tin will fill the space until the water overflows. So too will gases pouring into a confined space.

What are the Cells that control the gases entering and leaving the leaf?

The stomata are specialized cells that control the gases entering and leaving the leaf. These small pores open and close to regulate the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen during photosynthesis and respiration.

What are calibration gases used for?

Calibration gases are used to ensure that gas detectors are operating properly when working in confined spaces. They are commonly used in underground utilities or natural gas refineries.

What can potentially create a flammable atmosphere within a confined space?

- Leaking Gases or Liquids - Combustion or Oxidation - Decomposing Organic Matter ...all of the above are correct (they can create a toxic atmosphere within a confined space).

Do gases have a difinite shape and volume?

Gases do not have a definite shape or volume. They take the shape and volume of the container in which they are confined. Gases are highly compressible and can expand to fill any space available to them.

How much is the light voltage in confined space?

The voltage can be any voltage that you like or what is available. It is the specifications of the light fixture that defines whether it is suitable to be used in a confined space. One has to know what the environment is in the confined space before a light fixture can be chosen. The environmental conditions can be any one of a number of conditions including explosive gases. With explosive gases present, the wiring and devices within the space must all be explosion proof equipment.

What causes a flammable atmosphere within a confined space?

A flammable atmosphere within a confined space can be caused by the presence of flammable gases or vapors, such as from chemicals, fuels, or solvents. Factors such as poor ventilation, improper storage of flammable materials, or the accumulation of combustible dust can also contribute to the creation of a flammable atmosphere in confined spaces.

Can a P Wave travel through solids and gases?

Yes for both, but it does attenuate significantly on entering gas.