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Q: What is the general valence electron ground state electronelectron configuration for neutral alkaline earth metals?
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Do metallic bonds share electrons equally?

Only when they have identical electronegativities. Homogeneous metals such as iron only, all the atoms share electrons equally. When the electronegativities differ significantly in allows, the metals change their character. An example of this is steel, where soft and malleable iron becomes hard and brittle, because of the presence of other metals such as manganese.

What is the charge of an atom that has lost an electron?

This atom become a cation with a +2 electrical charge. All atoms have are neutral because the numbers of protons and electrons are equal. When you subtract any number n of electrons, the new charge is +n, just as a general rule.

According to the oclet rule an atom with two electron shells is most stable when it contains eight?

The octet rule is a simple rule of thumb that states that atoms tend to combine in such a way that they each have eight electrons in their valence shells, giving them the same electron configuration as a noble gas. The rule is applicable to the main-group elements. In simple terms, molecules or ions tend to be most stable when the outermost electron shells of their constituent atoms contain eight electrons.ELECTRONS

What is an example sentence with general?

What was the general tone of the question? How can I give a general answer to such a direct question?

What is the common noun for general?

The noun 'general' is a common noun unless it is the name of a specific general. Examples: common: A general must authorize these orders. proper: My new job is with General Motors. proper: General Dwight D. Eisenhower became the 34th President of the United States.

Related questions

What is the general electron configuration for alkaline earth metals?

2 electrons in the outermost shell.

Valence electron configuration common to all elements of alkaline earth metals?

The valence electron configuration common to all elements of alkaline earth metals is ns^2. This means that they all have 2 valence electrons in the outermost s orbital of their respective energy levels.

How do you determine electron configuration?

In general, you use the Aufbau Principle which indicates the order in which the shells and orbitals are filled. You just have to learn it and then you can determine the electron configuration of the elements.

General electronic configuration of group having low ionisation energy?

Elements in Group 1 (alkali metals) have low ionization energies due to their single electron in the outermost s orbital. Their general electronic configuration is nsยน. This electron is easily removed, leading to low ionization energies.

What is the electron Configuration for lanthanide?

The general electron configuration for lanthanides is [Xe] 4f^n 5d^1 6s^2, where n ranges from 1 to 14 depending on the specific lanthanide element.

What is the general valence shell configuration for the elements in group 1A?

The elements in group 1A, also known as the alkali metals, have a general valence shell configuration of ns^1, where "n" represents the energy level of the valence shell. For example, lithium (Li) in this group has a valence shell configuration of 2s^1.

What is the general electronic configuration of f-block elements?

The general electronic configuration of f-block elements is (n-2)f1-14 ns1-2. The f-orbital can hold a maximum of 14 electrons and is filled after the s- and p-orbitals.

The general electron configuration for atoms of all elements in Group 5A is?

The general electron configuration for atoms in Group 5A is ns^2 np^3, where "n" represents the principal energy level. This group includes elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth.

What is the correct electron configuration for Si atomic number 14?

The correct electron configuration for silicon (atomic number 14) is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2. This configuration represents the distribution of electrons among the various energy levels and sublevels in the silicon atom.

General Properties of the elements in the Alkaline metals?

they loose an electron to become stable hence are positively charged.They react with water to form stong bases

Mention the General electronic configuration of nitrogen group elements?

The general electronic configuration of nitrogen group elements is ns2np3, where "n" represents the valence shell. Each element in this group has 5 valence electrons, with 2 in the s orbital and 3 in the p orbital. This configuration gives these elements similar chemical properties, such as the tendency to form covalent bonds.

What is the general chemical formula for an alkaline?

The general chemical formula for an alkaline substance is OH-. Alkaline substances are known for their ability to neutralize acids by donating hydroxide ions.