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Satyendra Nath BoseThis is just a guess. Wikipedia lists 12 different things that have the name Bose. Satyendra Nath Bose was an Indian physicist who worked with Albert Einstein to develop the theory behind a state of matter called the Bose-Einstein Condensate.
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Hiren Bose's birth name is Bose, Hirendra Kumar.

What does Bose mean?

It is a name brand of audio equipment. The name Bose comes from the founder of the company Amar G. Bose.

What is name of founder of BOSE?

Amar Gopal Bose

Audio headphones at Bose?

Yes, there is an excellent selection of audio headphones at Bose. Bose headphones can be exchanged or returned for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

Why did Tagore name Subhash Bose Netaji?

He didn't. Bose named himself.

What is bose lifestyle?

Bose Lifestyle is the name for a line of products from the Bose brand. Bose specializes in home entertainment systems and other premium sound systems.

What was the name of Jagadish Chandra Bose's father?

Shubash Chandra Bose's fathers' name is Janakinath Bose.

What repairs are done by Bose Parts?

Bose is able to recommend certified local repair technicians if a Bose product is broken. There are no companies with the name Bose Parts that do repairs.

Is there a town by the name of Bose in Canada?

No, but there is a lake in Canada called Bose Lake which is extremely beautiful. There is no such town but there are a number of stores named Bose in Canada.

What is the birth name of Subhas Chandra Bose?

shubash chandra Bose was a freedom fighter.he was born on 23 Jan 1897 in orissa and his slongan is you give blood i will give you freedom and he died on august

Do Bose DVD players work with Blu-ray?

Bose DVD players do not work with blu ray, unfortunately. Although Bose does supply everything from full home theatre systems to televisions and speakers and more.