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Science and technology can connect people.

Technology can make people more productive.

Technology can empower people to create their own platform.

But we have to be very focused at how we use technology because it can suck the energy out of us.

Try not to use technology after 6 pm for a better sleep (at least turn off all screens).

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Q: What is the effect of science and technology in our life?
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What is the effect of science and technology to your lives?

To mine? I probably would not be alive with out the advances in medical science and technology.

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It makes a better future for humans.

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Science snd technology are interdependentbecause they use each other to go with the way of life. Technology uses the life of science to make new things and science uses the life of technology to observe new things with those new instruments and devices they use.

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What is the role of science and technology to mankind?

Science and technology makes our life comfortable and luxurious. Had there been no science or technology, there wouldn't have been any developments and civilizations.

How do science and technology relevant to your life?

We are in a digital age, which means that 90% of everything that we do is a derivative of science and technology