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A light source generates and emits its own light. A reflector reflects light (i.e. light bounces off of it) from another source.

Examples of light sources: The sun, the stars, a lightbulb, a flame, a red-hot piece of metal.

Examples of reflectors: The moon, the planets, the ground lit by the sun.

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What is difference between Gal16v8a and GAL16V8b?

The Gal16V8B needs pull up resistors on the outputs. Will also provide sharper transitions because of the pull up resistors.

What is the difference between schema and background knowledge?

I think background knowledge is something you can build with a student, whereas schema is what they already have experienced. I'm studying this stuff in grad school, and I googled this trying to find an answer. I'm pretty certain that's essentially the difference. and also teacher can not provide students with schemata but can provide students with background knowledge.

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An atmospheric condenser operates naturally at atmospheric pressure (1.013bar). A vacuum condenser operates at pressures below atmospheric and will use some sort of pump to provide a vacuum.

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Online degree programs have many benefits; they allow greater flexibility, which may allow full-time employees or at-home parents to pursue an education. However, traditional colleges provide a real sense of community, which can invaluably enhance your knowledge and understanding of the world. Traditional colleges may also provide more motivation and teacher attention.

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perennial canals : They are linked to dams and barrages to provide water throughout the year and they irrigate a vast area.Inundation canals : long canals taken off from large rivers are called inundation canals. They receive water when the river is high enough and especially when it is in flood

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