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The diamond ring effect is a feature of total solar eclipses. Just before the sun disappears or just after it emerges from behind themoon, the rugged lunar limb topography allows beads of sunlight to shine through. This effect is called Baily's beads, in honour of Francis Baily who first noted the phenomenon in 1836.

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Q: What is the diamond ring effect?
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The diamond ring effect, also known as Baily's beads, occurs during a solar eclipse when the last bits of sunlight shine through the valleys and mountains on the Moon's surface, creating a glowing ring reminiscent of a diamond ring. This effect happens for mere seconds before totality when the Moon completely covers the Sun, allowing the Sun's outer atmosphere (corona) to be visible.

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Why is a diamond ring not permitted to be worn while preparing food?

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Where is the diamond ring in the spooky mansion you spy?

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