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Some common noun for the canned goods Spam are:







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Q: What is the common noun for the can-good Spam?
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What is proper adjective Spam?

The proper noun Spam itself is used as an adjective; for example a Spam sandwich or a Spam recipe. The common noun spam can also be used as an adjective; for example a spam overload in my 'in box'.

Does the word 'spam' have a noun form?

The word Spam has been around for some time as a noun, a proper noun, the name of a canned meat product made mainly from ham (the name is a shortened form of spiced ham). The name was trademarked in 1937 and became a popular food for soldiers during WWII.In 1970, the British TV comedy series, "Monty Python", had a skit called "Spam", about a resturant where everything on the menu was Spam with something, including Spam with Spam.When the annoying, irrelevant, or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of users began showing up, someone connected them with the menu at the restaurant on "Monty Python". The noun spam as a word for these messages is a common noun, a word for any and all such messages. This use of the noun spam has a corresponding verb to spam meaning to send the same email message indiscriminately to (large numbers of users).A further noun derived from this context is spammer meaning someone who sends such e-mails.

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Pea is a common noun, and peas is the plural...still a common noun.

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