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It is approximately 100cc/hr.

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Q: What is the average urine flow in humans?
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Related questions

What is the Daily urine flow rate in female?

The average daily urine flow rate in females is typically around 1-2 liters per day. This can vary depending on factors such as hydration level, age, and overall health. If you have concerns about your urine flow rate, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider.

What can you do if the ureter becomes tighter and the urine dont flow?

If the Urine is in the bladder and does not flow, you put a catheter through the urethra.

What is a urine flow test?

A urine flow test evaluates the speed of urination, or amount voided per second, and the total time of urination.

What is the medical term meaning pertaining to the motion and flow of urine?

The medical term "urinary" pertains to the motion and flow of urine.

What can a urine flow test show?

A urine flow test can indicate problems in bladder function, such as an obstruction, that will need further tests to diagnose.

How does homeostasis affect your temperature urinary fluids?

Urinary fluid is body temperature. Humans are homeostatic...their body temperature is 98.6 on average...the average temperature of urine in the bladder is therefore about 98.6.

Could urine flow through the brain?


What is the medical term meaning backflow of urine?

AlkaptonuriaVesicoureteral reflux is the backflow of urine into the kidneys.

Which muscle expels urine in males?

The Blader contracting and the Prostate relaxing to allow urine to flow

Why does urine not flow back to the kidney?

Urine does not flow back to the kidney because of the one-way flow of urine through the urinary system, controlled by valves that prevent backflow. The ureters have muscular walls that contract and relax to push urine towards the bladder, preventing reverse flow. Additionally, the angle at which the ureters enter the bladder also helps to prevent urine from flowing back towards the kidneys.

What is excessive flow of urine called?

Diabtes Mellitus

Where does the flow of blood in women and urine pass?
