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The human body is about 70% water. Exact amounts would vary on the mass of the individual.

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around 98%

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Q: What is the amount of water found in an normal human body?
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What is the amount of water quantitativel y in the human body?

The amount of water in the human body varies depending on factors like age, gender, and body composition, but on average, water makes up about 60% of an adult's body weight. This water is found in cells, tissues, and blood, and is essential for various bodily functions, including temperature regulation, nutrient transport, and waste removal.

What is the recommended amount of water every day?

64 ounces for a human

Where is most of the water used for human consumption found?

Most of the water used for human consumption is found in rivers, lakes, and groundwater sources. These are the primary sources from which water is extracted and treated for drinking and other domestic purposes.

How many percent of water substance in your body?

The amount of water in the human bodyranges from 50-75%.