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850 C of charge in 2 minutes means 850 C in 120 seconds = 71/12 C per second.

"1 C of charge per second" is the definition of 1 Ampere of current.

You don't need to know about the bread, and I don't know what the GRASS method is.

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Q: What is the amount of current flowing through a toaster if it takes 850 C of charge to toast two slices of bread in two minutes if you know the GRASS method that would be great?
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Is a toaster current or static electricity?

A toaster uses electrical current to generate heat and toast bread. So, the electricity used in a toaster is in the form of electrical current.

If you plug an electric toaster rated at 110-v into a 220-v outlet what will the outlet current in the toaster be?

If you plug a 110-v toaster into a 220-v outlet, the current flowing through the toaster will double since the voltage has doubled. This increased current can damage the toaster and cause it to overheat or even catch fire. It is essential to use electrical appliances only with the correct voltage to prevent accidents and damage to the devices.

How much current flows through a toaster with a resistance of 14 ohms when it is connected to a 120 volt outlet?

Using Ohm's Law (V = IR), we can calculate the current flowing through the toaster. Given V = 120V and R = 14 ohms, we can rearrange the formula to solve for I: I = V/R. Plugging in the values, we get I = 120V / 14 ohms ≈ 8.57 amps.

How does a toaster transfer heat?

A toaster transfers heat through electrical coils or elements inside the toaster. When electrical current flows through the coils or elements, they heat up and transfer that heat to the bread placed inside, toasting it.

When you turn on a toaster you convert electrical energy into what type of energy?

When you turn on a toaster, you convert electrical energy into heat energy. The electricity flowing through the heating elements of the toaster causes them to heat up, which in turn toasts the bread placed inside.

What energy conversion takes place when a toaster is a News?

In a toaster, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy through the heating elements in the toaster. The electrical current flows through the resistance wires of the heating elements, generating heat to toast the bread.

Toaster turns from what energy to what?

A toaster turns electrical energy to heat and light energy by running the current through wires that begin to glow and release heat. ~Numos

How does a toaster work using an electromagnet?

A toaster works using an electromagnet by converting electrical energy into magnetic energy, which connects when the toaster is turned on. The electromagnet heats up in response to the current passing through it, which then heats the metal elements inside the toaster to toast the bread slices placed in the toaster slots.

How do you apply Ohm's law to a toaster?

The wires in a toaster are composed of a metal that heats up when you pass a current through the wires. The voltage, current and resistance for the toaster obey Ohm's Law (Voltage = Current x Resistance). When the wires heat up this heat causes the bread to toast. The toast is not part of the circuit and is not involved in Ohm's Law.

A toaster draws 8 A of current with a voltage of 120 V?

The voltage is the main power of a toaster!! but if the current flow is low the heat of the toaster is less heat that you expect, the 8 A is right for your toaster!!!

Which energy conversion takes place when a toaster is switched on?

Electrical energy is converted into thermal energy when a toaster is switched on. The electrical current passes through a resistive material in the toaster, which heats up due to its resistance and produces the heat needed to toast bread.

Why does a toaster draw a lot of current?

all electric heaters draw a lot of current (voltage times current = watts [or power]) and a toaster heats bread (no it toasts Bread)