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The Concept of 'Project': A Proposal for

a Unifying Definition

Andreas Munk-Madsen

Dept. of Computer Science, Aalborg University

Abstract. "Project" is a key concept in IS management. The word is frequently used in

textbooks and standards. Yet we seldom find a precise definition of the concept. This

paper discusses how to define the concept of a project. The proposed definition covers

both heavily formalized projects and informally organized, agile projects. Based on the

proposed definition popular existing definitions are discussed.

Keywords: Project, definition, project management, software development, agile.

1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation

Many authors give us guidelines for how we should manage projects. Yet they often

lack precision as to what they consider a project. When we read a guideline we want

to know which phenomena it applies to. We want to know what the author considers

to be a project and what is not considered a project. It would also be nice to know

whether a guideline applies to a larger class of phenomena than just projects, or

whether it only applies to a subclass of project, e.g. IS projects.

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From a scientific point of view a precise definition is useful if we want to

reproduce the reasoning, the experiments, or the observations that lead to the

formulation of the guidelines.

Let us illustrate the problem we want to address with an example. A widespread

model for software engineering, CMMI-SW (Carnegie Mellon Software

Engineering Institute, 2002), makes heavily use of the word "project". The word is

used to denote two of the fundamental process areas, "Project Planning" and

"Project Monitoring and Control". CMMI-SW defines a project in this way:

... a "project" is a ... set of ... resources ... [that] typically operates according to a plan.

The complete definition is more complex, which in itself is a problem. We will deal

with the complete definition later. Here we only focus on a few aspects.

The first problem is the choice of a general concept from which the concept

project is specialized. A set of resources can be almost anything from money on a

bank account to food in a refrigerator. A project has little in common with these sets

of resources. So the general concept is not well chosen. It is too general.

The second problem is the word typically. It signifies that the ensuing feature is

true for most, but not all, projects. Therefore this is not a distinguishing feature. We

cannot use the feature to determine whether a given phenomenon is a project or not.

And given a project, we cannot be sure that it possesses the feature.

The third problem is that the concept of a plan is linked to the definition of a

project. It exempts CMMI-SW from arguing why a project must a have plan, as this

by definition is true in most cases.

This paper will discuss how we can remedy such problems by putting more care

into our definition of project.

1.2. Research Methodology

A definition is a part of a theory; actually a fundamental part. Creating and analyzing

definitions is a theoretical activity. Thus, it is not possible in an empirical way to

"prove" the "correctness" of a definition. Correctness is not an attribute that

applies to a definition.

The qualities of a definition are pragmatic:

· a certain conformity to the intuitive informal use of the concept,

· the simplicity and the internal consistency of the definition,

· and the elegance of how the definition helps us structure and present

existing knowledge.

The reasons for using a particular definition roughly sum up to "presentation


The methodology for creating definitions is not a deductive process where the

definition is reached as a final conclusion. It is essentially an interaction between

restating proposals for definitions and testing them against relevant parts of the

existing body of knowledge. The discussion of other definitions uses a limited form

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of textual analysis. Since these definition all claim generality, it is considered a

reasonable approach to focus on the actual text of the definitions.

The simplest way to present a proposed definition is to regard it as a hypothesis:

"This definition has high presentation power". The hypothesis can then be

supported when the definition is used to present central parts of the relevant

knowledge. The proof of the hypothesis basically resides with the reader.

That is the way in which the present paper is structured. Section 2 discusses

definitions in general. Why should we define our concepts and how can we do this?

Section 3 presents two different definitions of project drawn from the field of

organization theory. One definition focuses on the kind of tasks that is solved in a

project, the other definition focuses on the way the work in the project is organized.

Based on the theory of Mintzberg (1983) it is argued that these two definitions are


Section 4 shows how these definitions can be used in presenting our

understanding of software projects. It discusses the features that unite and the

features that divide two popular schools of thought in IS management, the agile and

the heavy methodologies.

Section 5 shows how the insight represented in our definitions can be used when

we discuss other definitions of project found in literature.

2. Definitions

A definition is a statement explaining the meaning of a word (Collins Cobuild,

1987). It supports identification and understanding of a phenomenon. This section

explains the purpose of definitions in science and discusses how we can construct


2.1. Why Define?

Must we create definitions? No, in many situations we may do well without precise

definitions. Dahlbom and Mathiassen (1993) explain:

A lot of our knowledge is tacit, unformulated. Our actions are to a great extent based on knowhow,

rather than on explicitly formulated rules and principles.

They make a distinction between Platonic and Aristotelian concepts:

A lot of our knowledge is based on Platonic conceptions, on exemplary instances or

paradigmatic cases, rather than on Aristotelian concepts, explicit rules and definitions.

And they explain where we need definitions:

But if we want to develop our knowledge, to question and change our values, we must confront

them by trying to make them explicit.

Alter (2000) argues for more precise definitions in the field of IS:

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…the lack of conscious attention to the meanings of basic terms and points of reference may

be a significant impediment to effective communication and to our ability to make sense out of

research findings and even journalistic anecdotes about what seemed to work or not work in

particular situations.

Explicit definitions are important in science. Definitions improve communication

and understanding. Precise definitions help us to ensure that we talk about the same

phenomena. Precise definitions makes it easier to check that empirical evidence

support theoretical theses. Precise definitions also help avoiding circular reasoning

where what appears as a thesis is only a redundant restatement of basic


Definitions are important prerequisites for the conceptual grounding that is a part

of the multi-grounding of design theories proposed by Goldkuhl (2004).

There is a limit to the clarity we can achieve through definitions. We are using

natural language to describe phenomena only partially understood. Some of these

phenomena belong to the real world and can only be partially formalized. Still, this

does not contradict the underlying assumption that some definitions are better than

others for supporting identification and understanding.

2.2. The Format of Definitions

We normally define a concept by relating it to other concepts that we assume the

reader is familiar with. This can be done is different ways.

We can decompose the concept and explain it as an aggregate of other concepts.

E.g. "A chair consists of a horizontal plate, called the seat, to which is attached one

or more legs…" Usually this kind of definition is hard to understand. It may help

us identify or even build a chair, but it does not tell us why we need a chair, and it

does not place the chair in any context.

If there is a small number of objects in the class denoted by the concept we may

just specify them. E.g. "Scandinavia consists of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden".

This is a precise specification, but it does not say anything about the characteristics

of the concept.

We may give examples of objects or subclasses in the class denoted by the

concept, but that would only be a Platonic definition. It would illustrate the concept

but not give any explicit explanation.

We can associate the concept to other concepts and explain the relations to these

concepts. E.g. "Chairs are often used together with tables…" This will provide

some understanding of the context of the defined phenomenon. However, this kind

of definition may lose sharpness because of the introduction of unnecessary


The best format for a definition is the classic Aristotelian: Definitio fit per genus

proximum et differentiam specificam. (Aristotle, 350 B.C.; Smith, 2004). Here we

explain the concept by specifying a relevant superclass and some characteristic that

distinguish the concept from neighboring classes. E.g. "A chair is a piece of

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furniture for one person to sit on." The relevant superclass, genus proximum,

classifies the concept and the concept inherits the properties of the superclass. Thus

in our example the entire "theory" of furniture - including context and theses -

now applies to chairs.

The distinguishing characteristic, differentia, should ideally tell us the features

that only the objects in the concept possess. The choice of the dimension of the

differentia is important. In the example with the chair the distinguishing dimension

is the use of the furniture. We could have chosen another dimension, e.g.

construction. This would give us a definition as: "A chair is a piece of furniture with

a horizontal plate approximately 45 cm above the floor." The choice of

distinguishing dimension in our definition depends on the kind of theory we want to

present. Is it a theory of how to use chairs or how to build chairs? Of course we

might want a combined theory of how to build useful chairs. In that case we need

both definitions, and we must discuss whether they are equivalent.

The differentia should be both necessary and sufficient to distinguish the

considered concept. Sufficient means that we will not permit irrelevant phenomena

into the considered class. Insufficiency is fairly simple to demonstrate as it can be

illustrated by an example. The inclusion of more than the necessary features in the

differentia often involves redundancy. This leads to more subtle complications as it

may confuse both argument and presentation. Elimination of redundancy from the

differentia is basically an application of the principle of Occam's Razor.

Genus proximum et differentiam specificam is only a guideline for the format of

a definition. Using the best format for a definition gives no guarantee that genus and

differentia are well chosen. We still need to evaluate proposed definitions in relation

to our other notions of the concept.

3. Projects

Project is a central phenomenon in the field of IS, as systems normally are

developed and implemented in projects. Practically everybody who talks about

system development methodology will also use the word project. However, as we

shall see later, many authors do not give a precise definition of the concept.

In this section we explore two fundamentally different definitions of project and

argue for the equivalence of these two definitions.

3.1. Two Definitions

The word project is derived from Latin where "pro" means "forward" and

"jacere" means "throw". Thus the original meaning of project is something that in

a figurative sense has been thrown forward, a proposal. The meaning has gradually

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been extended to include the process of realizing the proposal and the people who

perform the realization.

As a relevant genus for our definition of project we need a word that denotes

people working together. For this we could use "organization". However, some

people understand organization purely as a legal entity. We want our definition to

include parts of legal entities as well as people from different legal entities working

together. For this reason the genus of project is chosen to be organizational unit.

But colloquially we will use organization as a synonym.

We then need to specify the differentia, what separates a project from other kinds

of organizations. One relevant dimension for the distinguishing characteristic is the

kind of tasks solved by the organization. Inspired by Mintzberg (1983) we can

suggest the following definition:

Definition 1: A project is an organizational unit that solves a unique and complex task.

By stating that the task is unique we exclude most organizations where task

repetition is a prominent feature. This is not the case in IS development. In IS

development the task is always unique, at least to the actual developers. If not so,

they could solve the task once and just press "copy" for the rest.

The feature of uniqueness entails that the task must be delimited both in scope

and time. This delimitation may not be entirely clear in the beginning of the project,

and it may change during the course of the project. However, if we experienced a

permanent stream of changing tasks we would say that this was no longer a single


The task must have some complexity before it belongs in a project. If the task is

simple most people will know how to solve it, and the amount of organizational

overhead normally associated with a project will not be needed.

We should note that both uniqueness and complexity are relative to the project

participants. That somebody on the other side of the earth has great experience in

solving the actual task and considers it simple is irrelevant if our participants are not

aware of this.

Definition 1 looks at a project from the outside. It focuses on an important

situational factor, namely what we use a project for. This raises the questions: What

are the internal characteristics of a project? And which principles apply to managing

a project? We shall address these questions shortly. But first we will consider

another definition.

An important design parameter for an organization is the way in which the people

coordinate their work, the prime coordinating mechanism. Mintzberg (1983) lists

five different coordinating mechanisms:

· direct supervision,

· standardization of work processes,

· standardization of work outputs,

· standardization of worker skills,

· and mutual adjustment.

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All of these coordinating mechanisms are used in all organizations, but in any

organization some mechanism is the most important, and this can be used as a

defining characteristic. Inspired by Mintzberg's concept of the adhocracy, we can

define project the following way:

Definition 2: A project is an organizational unit where the prime coordinating mechanism is

mutual adjustment.

In this definition the differentia is an internal feature. This immediately raises the

questions: What is the use of such an organization? What kind tasks is this type of

organizations suited to solve? The answers to these and the previously raised

questions follow when we argue for the equivalence of definitions 1 and 2.

3.2. The Equivalence of the Definitions

We shall argue for the equivalence of definition 1 and 2 in the sense that they in

practice describe the same phenomena.

Thesis 1: An organizational unit that solves a unique and complex task must use mutual

adjustment as the prime coordinating mechanism.

The reasoning behind this thesis is that the other coordinating mechanisms cannot

do the job. Standardization will be too expensive when we are dealing with a unique

task. Direct supervision scales badly so any medium sized or larger task will

overload the supervisor.

Thesis 2: An organizational unit where the prime coordinating mechanism is mutual

adjustment should only be used to solve tasks that are unique and complex.

The reasoning behind thesis 2 is that, albeit projects can solve other types of tasks,

mutual adjustment compared to other mechanisms is dramatically inefficient for

coordinating repetitive work or non-complex tasks.

The reasoning for thesis 1 and 2 depends on the assertion that Mintzberg's list of

coordination mechanisms is exhaustive. This is an empirical fact that according to

Mintzberg so far holds pretty much true.

Thesis 1 and 2 can be combined to thesis 3. This may be seen as an application

of Mintzberg's Extended Configuration Thesis on the domain of project


Thesis 3: Definition 1 is equivalent to definition 2.

Thus it becomes a matter of perspective which definition of project we choose. From

a theoretical viewpoint the internal characteristics will perhaps best represent the

essence of a project. From an application perspective the natural choice would be to

start with the problem, definition 1, and then use thesis 3 to state that definition 2 is

the solution.

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4. Agile and Heavy Projects

A problem that has arisen in the last few years is how to explain the agile projects

(Beck et al., 2001). They are definitely phenomena that we should call projects as

they fulfil both definition 1 and 2 above. However, they fit badly into the CMMISW

definition, as one of the core values of the agile manifesto explicitly downgrade

the concept of plan (Beck et al., 2001):

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.

Through this work we have come to value:…Responding to change over following a plan

It is a relevant exercise to explain, in a simple way, what agile and heavy projects

have in common and where they differ. Definitions 1 and 2 is one way of explaining

the communality between the two different types of projects. To explain the

difference we must look deeper into the distinguishing property mutual adjustment.

There is a wide spectrum of ways in which mutual adjustment can take place.

This spectrum is reflected in the great variation among different projects. In this

section we first describe the different ways in which a project can be coordinated,

and we relate some of these differences to the dimension spanned by the frequency

with which the mutual adjustment is performed. Secondly we discuss which tasks

agile and heavy methods are suited to solve. Finally we mention two other important

dimensions that could be used to characterize the difference between agile and heavy


4.1. Discrete or Continuous Adjustment

Mutual adjustment is not a very precise concept. Mintzberg also talks about liaison

devices, and identifies the meeting as the prime vehicle used to facilitate mutual

adjustment. Meetings span a whole range from ad hoc gatherings to the work of

task forces and standing committees. Other liaison devices are integrating managers

and liaison positions.

Using the ordinary vocabulary of project management we can list a number of

liaison devices:

· People filling certain roles: Project manager, steering committee chairman,

sponsor, customer representative, etc.

· Groups of people meeting to perform coordination: Project group, steering

committee, user group, etc.

· Artifacts documenting agreements in a project: Requirement specification,

project plan, product architecture, minutes from steering committee meeting,


The extent to which the various liaison devices are used define a broad range of

different ways to manage a project. Clearly the presence of some of these devices

can make up for the absence of others. Thus it is problematic to focus on one of the

devices, the project plan, and to include it in a definition of the concept of project.

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"To plan or not to plan" seems to be a major distinction between heavy and agile

projects. Boehm and Turner (2004) call the traditional methods or approaches, that

are not agile, for "plan-driven". Abstracting a little further, we can see this distinction

as a preference in liaison devices. We can also describe the distinction as a

difference in the frequency of the mutual adjustment. This leads to suggesting the

following definitions:

Definition 3: An agile project is an organizational unit where the prime coordinating

mechanism is continuous mutual adjustment.

Definition 4: An heavy project is an organizational unit where the prime coordinating

mechanism is discrete mutual adjustment.

4.2. Complexity and Ideology

When we tighten the differentia from definition 2 to definitions 3 and 4 we reduce

the number of phenomena that fit the definitions. This leads to the question of what

the corresponding restriction on definition 1 should be. This is the question of what

kind of tasks agile and heavy projects respectively can be used to solve. Obviously

the differentia to examine is complexity. Beck (2000) gives us a clue in the chapter

where he discusses when you shouldn't try XP:

Size clearly matters. You probably couldn't run an XP project with a hundred programmers.

Nor fifty. Nor twenty, probably. Ten is definitely doable.

Highsmith (2004) is not happy with this restriction:

One myth about agile approaches goes something like this: "APM (or pick any agile

methodology) works well for smaller projects, but it doesn't scale to larger ones." [APM is

Highsmith's abbreviation for Agile Project Management.]

Therefore Highsmith proposes a number of techniques to facilitate scaling. One of

these is a "Commitment-Accountability Protocol Card". It describes

· an outcome,

· acceptance criteria,

· supplier team,

· consumer team(s),

· intermediate deliverables,

· and estimated work effort.

This is clearly a written documentation of an agreement. Once it is produced we

would only expect it to be changed at discrete intervals. If we added a deadline this

would be a reinvention of a project plan, albeit a decentralized one. So Highsmith

has not contradicted Beck. He is proposing to scale the agile methods by including a

key element from the heavy methods.

The number of developers is not a sufficient differentia when we wish to

determine the kind of tasks where agile and heavy projects are useful. Boehm and

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Turner (2004) proposes 5 dimensions to describe the situational factors

distinguishing agile from heavy projects:

As a "summary of summaries," we have concluded that there are five critical factors involved in

determining the relative suitability of agile or plan-driven methods in a particular project

situation. These factors ... are the project's size, criticality, dynamism, personnel, and culture


Some of these factors may be abstracted into the differentia of complexity. But the

readiness of the IS people and the surroundings to accept agile or heavy methods

clearly matters. This is what Boehm and Turner call culture. We might also talk

about ideology. So we may conclude that there is not a simple extension of

definition 1 that can define agile and heavy projects based on the difference of tasks.

4.3. Technology Cost and Strategy

Two other dimension that in general should be involved in characterizing IS projects

are strategy and technology, in particular the costs of using various technologies.

Indeed these are the defining distinctions for Highsmith (2004):

When we reduce the cost of experimentation enough, the entire economics of how we do

product development changes - it switches from a process based on anticipation (define, design,

and build) to one based on adaption (envision, explore, and adapt).

The available technology, in this case the technology for experimentation, and we

could add the technology for rework, is a major characteristic of the task. The

strategy, in this case anticipation or adaption, is a major internal feature of a project.

5. Definitions in Literature

In this section we will discuss various definitions of project found in literature. We

take a look at some dictionary definitions, a textbook definition, three definitions

from management and IS standards, and a definition from general project

management theory. The overall impression is that - although it is hard to find two

identical definitions - all definitions revolve around a common center, and that this

not too far from the definitions in this paper.

5.1. Dictionary Definitions

Collins Cobuild (1987) defines project this way:

A project is 1.1. an idea or plan that you intend to carry out in the future or that is being

carried out at present. 1.2. a detailed study of a particular subject.

Webster (1989) defines project this way:

project. 1. something that is contemplated, devised, or planned; plan; scheme. 2. a large or

major undertaking, esp. one involving considerable money, personnel, and equipment. 3. a

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specific task of investigation, esp. in scolarship. 4. Educ. an educational assignment

necessitating personal initiative on the part of a student.

In most of the definitions there is an absence of a proper genus proximum. Some of

the definitions indicate complexity as a distinguishing characteristic. It is hard to

find uniqueness as a property. These definitions are probably typical for the popular

perception of the concept of a project. In their vagueness they are not incorrect, but

they are not a sound basis for building a theory about projects. It is difficult to

understand that many authors of textbooks on projects do not take the effort to

discuss their own definition.

5.2. A Textbook Definition

Many textbooks and standards make heavily use of the word project without

defining the concept explicitly. Among them are Highsmith (2004), McConnell

(1998), Briner et al. (1996), and Page-Jones (1985). Two authors that do define

project are Weiss and Wysocki (1992):

A project is defined as having the following characteristics:

- Complex and numerous activities

- Unique - a one-time set of events

- Finite - with a begin and end date

- Limited resources and budget

- Many people involved, usually across several functional areas in the organizations

- Sequenced activities

- Goal-oriented

- End product or service must result

If there is any priority in this sequence we will notice that the first two characteristics

are the same as in our definition 1. This definition illustrates that authors of

textbooks cannot depend on the popular definitions. This definition is much more

narrow and precise than the dictionary definitions.

There is an abundance of characteristics in this definition. Some of them could

be derived from the others. That would reduce the redundancy in the definition.

The genus is not stated explicitly, but the following reveals that it is task:

... it is evident that a task becomes a project when the above factors begin to dominate ...

This is a typical way of using the words task and project. It makes it difficult to

distinguish between the task and the organization set up to solve it. And we need to

do that when we talk project management.

5.3. A Standard Definition: PMBOK

"A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge" (Project Management

Institute, 2000) has the following definition:

…a project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.

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Here the genus is endeavor. This facilitates the distinction between the task and the

process of solving the task. However, the identity of the people who perform this

process is weakened by this definition.

Uniqueness is a distinguishing characteristic along with the time limitation.

However, the uniqueness is associated to the result and not the task. This is too

narrow a definition. Reproducing an existing product under quite different

circumstances could be a very challenging task that would justify a project.

Complexity is absent from the definition. This makes it too broad.

5.4. A Standard Definition: CMMI-SW

"Project" is a central concept in the Capability Maturity Model Integration for

Software Engineering (CMMI-SW) (Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering

Institute, 2002). Three key process areas carry the word "project" in their names:

"Project planning", "Project monitoring and control", and "Integrated project

management". In CMMI-SW we find the following definition:

"In CMMI models, a "project" is a managed set of interrelated resources that delivers one or

more products to a customer or end user. This set of resources has a definite beginning and end

and typically operates according to a plan. Such a plan is frequently documented and specifies

the product to be delivered or implemented, the resources and funds used, the work to be done,

and a schedule for doing the work. A project can be composed of projects."

"A ...set of...resources" could be interpreted as a genus, but not as a genus

proximum. It is not a close superclass. "Organization" is defined in CMMI-SW.

However this concept is defined as an aggregate of projects, so it cannot be used as

a superclass of "project":

"An organization is typically an administrative structure in which people collectively manage

one or more projects as a whole,..."

The CMMI-SW definition of "project" is in reality a definition by decomposition.

The concept of a "project" is defined as an aggregation constructed from mainly

"resources", "products", and one "customer". Still the definition could be correct,

albeit hard to understand. But the distinguishing quality of "complexity" is missing,

which makes the definition too broad. A newsboy who temporarily delivers a paper

to a summer address is also a project according to this definition.

On other aspects CMMI-SW's definition is too narrow. There is only one

customer or end user. The situation where two or more users disagree is thus

excluded. And the software developers are abstracted into "resources". As a

consequence we should not expect to see politics or motivation as key process areas

in the CMMI-SW.

Half the text in CMMI-SW's definition of a "project" is used to define the

concept of a "(project) plan". Again definition by decomposition is used. A plan is

an aggregation of specifications of "products", "resources", "work", and a

"schedule". Without genus the essence of the "plan" is lost. Is it a unilateral

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directive or a multilateral agreement? Humphrey (1997) made a very strong case that

a project plan must be a negotiated agreement in order to sustain commitment. That

thesis is not supported very well by the CMMI-SW definition of plan.

There is a reservation in the word "typically", but we are not told what happens in

the non-typical situations. Apart from that, the definition implies that a project must

have a plan. This is not just a narrowing of the definition. It is an inclusion of a nontrivial

thesis. The necessity of the key process area "Project Planning" does not

need to be proved anymore. That is a pity. The proof could provide us with

conditions for when a project must be planned, and arguments for why a project

must be planned.

5.5. A Standard Definition: Sysperanto

Sysperanto (Alter, 2005) is an attempt to define core concepts of the IS field. It is

denoted an ontology. It defines project this way:

A project is a work system designed to go out of existence after producing a particular product.

Work system is the central concept is this ontology. It is defined this way:

Work system. A view of work as occurring through a purposeful system.

Work is defined this way:

Work. Effort applied to accomplish something within an organization or across


Work systems are aggregates of nine elements:

· work practices,

· participants,

· information,

· technologies,

· customers,

· products & services,

· environment,

· infrastructure,

· and strategies.

In this definition we have approximately the same genus as in our definitions. Alter

reserves the word organization for an aggregation of work systems. The defining

characteristics for a project, a particular product and time limitation, are close to our

differentia, uniqueness.

But complexity is missing from the definition. Without this characteristic work

systems solving trivially simple tasks are including in the class of project.

It is interesting to note that technology and strategy are among the nine types of

components in a work system and hence in a project.

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5.6. The 'Temporary Organization' School

In the field of management theory a contemporary school views projects as

primarily temporary organizations (Lundin and Söderholm, 1995). We

immediately notice the agreement on the genus. As differentia, temporary is clearly

necessary, but in itself insufficient.

In definitions from this school we sometimes miss Mintzberg's clear distinction

between situational factors and design parameters. One definition is given by Turner

and Müller (2003):

A project is a temporary organization to which resources are assigned to undertake a unique,

novel and transient endeavour managing the inherent uncertainty and need for integration in

order to deliver beneficial objectives of change.

If we accept novel and complex as overlapping concepts, then the first half of this

definition alligns pretty much with our definition 1. The second half of the definition

points to uncertainty, integration and change as elements of a project. In their paper

Turner and Müller argues that these elements are necessary consequences of the

features mentioned in the first half of the definition. That is why the latter elements

should be excluded from the definition and placed in a subsequent thesis.

6. Summary

It has been proposed to define a project as an organizational unit that solves a

unique and complex task. It has been demonstrated that this definition can embrace

the traditional, heavy project management methodologies and the extreme, agile

methodologies. It has been illustrated that the equivalent definition of a project as an

organizational unit where the prime coordinating mechanism is mutual adjustment

in a simple way can be extended to explain the difference between heavy and agile

project management methodologies. The idea is to use the frequency of the mutual

adjustment as a distinguishing characteristic between agile and heavy projects.

It has been illustrated that some existing standards and textbooks have a concept

of project that revolve around a common center, and that this not too far from the

definitions in this paper. The proposed definition has been used to identify

shortcomings of some of the existing definitions.

An obvious extension of this paper - if space had allowed it - would be an

examination of the distinguishing characteristics between different IS projects. This

would require more dimensions than those discussed in this paper. Foremost we

would need a concept of the technology involved to characterize the project's task,

and we would need a concept of the project strategy to characterize the management


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What is a producer in a science fair project?

it something to do with a science project

What is the best project to do for the science fair project?

life science

What is the purpose of layering liquids science fair project?

The purpose of a layering liquids science fair project is to demonstrate the concept of density. By using liquids with different densities, such as oil, water, and corn syrup, students can observe how they naturally separate into distinct layers based on their density. This project helps students understand the concept of density and how it affects the behavior of liquids.

what are the differents parts of concept paper?

The fundamental elements of a Concept Paper are project vision, project scope, project targets, timeline and milestones and project management.

A science fair project?

i need a friken science fair project

What is the duration of My Science Project?

The duration of My Science Project is 1.57 hours.