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The random combination of chromosomes resulting from pairing up 1 of the 8.4 million possible chromosome combinations of a sperm with 1 of the 8.4 million possibly chromosome combinations of the egg (due to independent assortment of chromosomes during Meiosis. This comes out to about 70 trillion combinations, which does not even factor in the crossing over of genetic material during Meiosis.

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Q: What s random fertilization?
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What are Independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase you and random fertilization most like?

Independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase and random fertilization are both processes that contribute to genetic diversity. Independent orientation refers to the random alignment of maternal and paternal chromosomes during meiosis, resulting in different combinations of genes in gametes. Random fertilization further increases genetic diversity by the chance fusion of male and female gametes during fertilization, resulting in unique genetic combinations in offspring.

Why are desivable traits not always passed to offspring?

Fertilization involves a random selection of alleles which are combined.

What occurs when chromatids exchange some DNA and this results in genetic variety?

crossing-over occurs and random fertilization

What is the definition of random fertilization?

Random fertilization refers to the process in sexual reproduction where any sperm from the male gamete can fertilize any egg from the female gamete, resulting in genetic diversity in offspring. This process ensures that the combination of genetic material is unpredictable and varied, contributing to the diversity of traits in a population.

What other actions result in variation and diversity in the offspring?

crossingover,independent assortment segregation, random fertilization (all of the above ---- ----

What effects does union of haploids in fertilization have on genetic diversity?

The union of haploids in fertilization increases genetic diversity by combining genetic material from two parents, creating unique combinations of genes in the offspring. This leads to a wider range of genetic variations within a population, which can increase its ability to adapt to changing environments and enhance evolutionary success.

Why is crossing-over and random fertilization important?

Crossing-over during meiosis leads to genetic diversity by exchanging genetic material between homologous chromosomes. This increases variation within a population, which is important for evolution. Random fertilization adds to this genetic diversity by combining different genetic information from the gametes, further increasing variation in the offspring.

How does the process of fertilization act to increase genetic diversity within a population?

Random fertilization. All the eggs and sperm produced are variations due to crossing over alone, not even considering other processes. The meet and fertilization occurs randomly insuring a good mix of genetic variation. Thus, genetic diversity.

What has the author Verne Grant written?

Verne Grant has written: 'Genetics of flowering plants' -- subject(s): Plants, Angiosperms, Genetics, Plant genetics 'The fertilization of flowers' -- subject(s): Fertilization of plants

How do you calculate gene combinations for a given set of genes?

For just random assortment, there are 2 to the power of the number if pairs of chromosomes. In humans, it's 2 to the 23 power. Recombination and random fertilization create even more variations but can not be calculated.

What type of cell division is characterized by genetic recombination of daughter cells?

Meiosis is the process through which a cell divides into four haploid daughter cells. It utilizes random assortment, crossing over, and Random fertilization to create genetic variation.

What has the author Carl Wood written?

Carl Wood has written: 'Test-tube conception' -- subject(s): Fertilization invitro, Human, Human Fertilization in vitro