The purpose of knowledge is 'Ignorance'.
Our quest for knowing reaches by necessity dead ends.
We aquire knowledge when our minds interact with the universe.
This interaction is an imposed phenomenon of which we cannot escape.
Both our mind,the tool of comprehension, and the object of our reflection namely the universe are two big enigmas: Unsolvable until now.
Our so called knowledge being the outcome of this interaction reaches at one or another
an inescapable threshold of Ultimate Knowledge.
Ultimate Knowledge is concerned with the presence, nature, origin, control, laws and
structure as well as finality of things or objects that constitute the universe.
We have not, in this light, the faintest idea of what atoms are, where do they come from, and why should they exist.
We have not the faintest idea, at the present time, who we are, our structure, how did we come about, why is our shape and form are what they are.
We do not know what are we doing here and why should we live , go through a life
cycle nor where are we going to.
Reaching, by obligation these questions we reach a ,threshold of ignorance, where answers
are impossible until the present time.
What is matter or substance? Where does it come from, Why should matter be?
All enigmas
It is at this very point that we face the ultimate question< what is all this and why should there be an enigma to all?
Questions that need explanations interpose a cause. This cause is hypothetical, whether internal or external finality.
But the question is nevertheless is inescapable.
Our forced presence, life cycle aging, form and structure are as real as our death.
No one human being has the choice to be other than what he or she , is.
Lack of proof for or against a cause creator or causes creator leads us to choose between
belief and sibelief in such cause, or causes.
Lack of evidence, or even solid arguments, makes us recoil on our convictions and every individual makes his own bid< to believe or disbelieve.
This choice between the options is as inmposed as our existence and the existence of our universe. We simply have to choose.
Here the question of knowledge becomes even more acute, why should we have two
options of only one alternative?
Like anything else that science and this world has to give us. There is a foundation which we rely on to advance in science and technology. With the past mistakes of great scientists and entrepreneurs brings a more sufficient future that is handed down. The knowledge and wisdom that is past down from our ancestors can help us build a brighter future. Without the knowledge of trial and error, we would never have taken flight. Without the wisdom from our ancestors, we would have never been able to dream of bigger and brighter things. Wisdom and knowledge are the foundation to any science and technology that we use today. Its the few that are able to use the tools necessary to build off the foundations of wisdom and knowledge that make this world a better place.
skill, knowledge, art, discovery, education, information, wisdom, technique, discipline, lore
In an evolutionary sence knowledge and the thirst for knowledge is for the purpose of adaption. As we appear to be in a multiple reality (infinity on infinity) the rationalisation of knowledge would seem to be paramount.
My guess: technology
There is no wisdom without self-knowledge.
The root for wisdom or knowledge is "soph" from the Greek word "sophia," which means wisdom.
Spanish: Knowledge - Conocimiento Wisdom - Sabiduría Catalan: Knowledge - Coneixement Wisdom - Sabiduria
Knowledge = wisdom, knowledge and wisdom = understanding.
Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge and experience to make sound decisions and judgements. Knowledge provides the information and understanding, while wisdom helps individuals interpret and use that knowledge effectively in real-life situations. In essence, wisdom is the practical application of knowledge.
That question doesnt make any sense. If you meant, "Is knowledge necessary to have wisdom?" the answer is yes. Wisdom is having knowledge and the judgment necessary to make a good decision.
Knowledge and wisdom are both valuable, but they serve different purposes. Knowledge is information acquired through study or experience, while wisdom is the ability to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful, insightful way. In many situations, wisdom is considered more important because it involves understanding the deeper implications and consequences of actions.
Wisdom is different from knowledge. While knowledge is akin to intelligence in that it is determined by how much you know, wisdom is how well you are able to use the knowledge you have.
Knowledge is the accumulation of facts and information. Wisdom is the synthesis of knowledge and experiences into insights that deepen one's understanding of relationships and the meaning of life. In other words, knowledge is a tool, and wisdom is the craft in which the tool is used.
the humen being is the god of wisdom and knoledge.
The adjective referring to wisdom is wise.