1/3 of a kg: - 0.33 KG - 0.73 pounds - 11.75 ounces Google Calcualtor can be used for conversions, eg: - If you type in "1 mile in kilometres" into Google, it will give you the correct answer. (1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers)
The prefix kilo- means 1000.
The prefex that refers to 1000 is "kilo", "mili" refers to 1/1000th
"A thousand of..." eg 1 kilometre is 1000 metres.
When the metric system was created, the inventors used the Greek word for 1000, kilo, as the prefix meaning 1000. They used the Latin word for 1000, mill, as the prefix meaning 1/1000.
In the metricsystem, kilo means one thousand. if you of one kilo, it would be 1000/.333or 1/3 which = 333.33 repeating.
4.409 cups in a kilo, so 1/3 is approximately 1.469 cups.
It is kilo-
1 kilo(gram) is 35.27 ounces.
Since kilo- means one thousand, there are one thousand amperes in a kilo-ampere, and there are 0.001 amperes in a kilo-ampere.
One kilogram is equal to 1 kilogram.
Since kilo- means one thousand, there are one thousand amperes in a kilo-ampere, and there are 0.001 amperes in a kilo-ampere.
They are both 1 Kilo. So, no.
1 Kilo of gold equals exactly that. 1 Kilo.
The prefix meaning x 1000 is "kilo-".
Kilo means 1000, So there would be approximately 1000 feet in One Kilo foot.
One kilo can be expressed in scientific notation as 10^3.