The fossil record is incomplete because not all fossils have been discovered. In actuality it is unlikely that all fossils will ever be discovered given the hit and miss nature of fossil discovery which usually occurs through educated guess work. The fossil record will likely never be complete.
The fossil record is considered incomplete because,very few organisms were preserved as fossils,and lots of organisms tended to decay before becoming a fossil, also animals with hard parts are preserved more easily, and geological processes would have a tendency to destroy many fossils.
The fossil record tells us what types, kinds, and numbers of organisms may have lived in the past, as well as what they ate, what age they lived in, how they moved, where they lived, Their activities, how they breathed, how they reproduced, their appearance, the climate they lived in, how they died, their lifespan, and what led to their evolution and their extinction.
The Law of Fossil Succession states that fossil organisms originate, coexist, and disappear from the geologic record in a definite sequential order.
It's rocks are severely bent and folded.
The fossil record gives us snapshots of the life at one time. We can compare these to modern life and see what traits where key to survival and survived until today. During the age of the dinosaurs when the planet was warmer being cold blooded was an advantage and during ice ages fur and fat where greater advantages.
The principle of Fossil succession states that fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and determinable order. Therefore, any time period can be recognized by its fossil content.
The answer is probably either digging them up, figuring out their age, or figuring out what animal they belong to. If I chose between those 3 answers I would choose 'figuring out what animal they belong to' because digging is hard, but they have tools to help them out, and because for figuring out their age, you just have to use their special program on their computer to analyze, while figuring out the animal is super hard. I have no idea if I am wrong or right. Sorry if I am wrong.
the one that I have in my backyard is incomplete
Fossils of dinosaurs are found by paleontologists, maybe one day one will find a fossil of you From: Waqar Moghul * A mature answer would be: The Blue- Jay is a particular species of bird
Some animal groups with a good fossil record showing their evolutionary development include dinosaurs, mammals, and marine invertebrates like trilobites. Fossil evidence of these groups has allowed scientists to trace their evolutionary history and understand how they diversified and adapted over time.
it takes millions of years to get a fossil. so you will need to wait 1,000,000 years to get that. no one can get a fossil, but only is you are like 1,050,000 years old. :)
It seems like your question is incomplete or unclear. Can you please provide more information or clarify what you are asking about volume?
An incomplete flower is when a flower doesn't have one of these characteristics, stamen, a pistil, petals, and sepals. An incomplete flower lacks one of these.
The orangutans ancient origin is not agreed upon. One hypothesis says it originated from Lufengpithecus, while another maintains that they originated from Sivapithecus. The fossil record of the living great apes is poor and the orangutan is the only great ape that has a fossil record linking early forms to later forms (there has never been an African fossil found that is related to chimpanzees or gorillas).
Lucy was not a person (if that's what your thinking), but the first fossil of the early humans (cavemen). The fossil was found in Africa and fossils have a lot to do with science. The reason why they (or the one person who found the fossil) named the fossil Lucy was probably because the fossil was a girl. But out of all the girl names why would they name it Lucy? That's their decision.
The fossil record is incomplete because: A.) very few organisms were preserved as fossils. B.) organisms tend to decay before becoming a fossil. C.) animals with hard parts are preserved more easily. D.) geological processes may destroy fossils. E.) all of these. ALL OF THESE!
The type of evolution described is gradualism, which suggests that change occurs slowly and steadily over time, as proposed by Darwin. This concept is supported by evidence from the fossil record, which shows a gradual transition from one species to another.
The fossil record tells us what types, kinds, and numbers of organisms may have lived in the past, as well as what they ate, what age they lived in, how they moved, where they lived, Their activities, how they breathed, how they reproduced, their appearance, the climate they lived in, how they died, their lifespan, and what led to their evolution and their extinction.