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The word is spelled "iridescent" and it is a term often used to describe a reflective or pearly finish added to the surface of glass (as in carnival glass) or china (as in luster / lustre). Synonms: shimmering sparkling shining gleaming glistening glittering flickering

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Q: What is iridescent.?
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What color is bismuth?

It is a crystal grown in labs.Bismuth: symbol Bi; at wt 209.00; at no 83; valence 3, 5;melt pt 271.3C; boil pt 1560C; density 9.747 g/cm^3.>> Grayish-white with slight reddish tinge>> bright metallic luster>> hard and brittle>> superficially oxidized by air>> sometimes appears to become iridescent>> melted metal expands on cooling ???>> etc, etc, etc.

How do you explain iridescence to a 5 year old?

Some things reflect light in different colors depending on how you look at them. Like hologram picture cards, as you move the card, it looks like the picture is 3D or is moving. On things like bugs or soap bubbles, the different surfaces are so tiny that you see them all at the same time without having to move around. This is what makes them look rainbow-colored. The best way to explain a child what iridescence is all about is direct observation. Make sure you have some soap bubbles or a compact disc. Show your child how the surface of these objects changes color as the bubbles move around or when you move the cd and change the angle of view. You might want to try to spot some iridescent clouds in the sky even though the phenomenon is not that common. You can use a pearl necklace instead. You could also do some experiments with water mixed with soap in a bowl. Show your child what happens when you move the bowl from one angle of illumination to another. Some bugs, birds and some butterflies also show beautiful effects of phase shifts and hue changes. Tell your kid that all the colors of the rainbow are somehow hidden inside every object. Some objects only show one color, like the leaf of a tree which is green in spring. Some other objects can show all the colors they hide when the light hits them.

What happens when a light is shone at an object?

When light meets any of the object it interacts with it...the interaction can be reflection, refraction, absorption, polarisation,diffraction or interference depending upon the nature of the body with which it interacts.

Related questions

What part of speech is iridescent?

Iridescent is an adjective.

What is a synonym for 'iridescent'?

There are two senses for iridescent... Sense 1:changeable, chatoyant, iridescent, shot. Sense 2: iridescent, nacreous, opalescent, opaline, pearlescent

A sentence with the word iridescent?

The soap bubble was iridescent

Use the word iridescent in a sentence?

The diamond had an iridescent glow.

When was Iridescent - song - created?

Iridescent - song - was created in 2008.

How do you spell irredescent?

Iridescent is the correct way to spell it.

What is a sentence with the word 'iridescent'?

The oil slick on the frigid water was iridescent. Iridescent clouds looked like mother-of-pearl.

Iridescent in a sentence?

IRIDESCENT - having a glow of flowing and lustrous colors (semi-transparent layers scatter light into colors) "The tree was aglow with iridescent lights." "She picked that dress for the prom because of its iridescent fabric." "The soap bubbles briefly shimmered with iridescent swirls, and then popped."

What is the Brazilian word for 'iridescent'?

Brazilians speak Portuguese. 'iridescente' is Portuguese for 'iridescent'.

What is a good sentence with the word iridescent?

The oil slick on the frigid waters was iridescent.

Use iridescent in a sentence?

The soap bubbles appeared iridescent in the sunlight, displaying a beautiful range of colors as they floated through the air.

What does iridescent mean in hunger games?

Beautiful and shiny, the word iridescent was used to describe the pearl that Peeta gave Katniss.