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Q: What is hypothesis with no evidence called?
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A hypothesis that is supported by evidence gathered in the research process is called a what?

Supported hypothesis or confirmed hypothesis.

A hypothesis that is supported by evidence gathered in the research process is called?


What is a proposed a scientific idea is called?

A proposed scientific idea is called a hypothesis. This is a tentative explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through observations and experiments. If the hypothesis is supported by evidence, it may become a theory in the scientific community.

Why is a possible explanation for a set of observations called a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is your first guess at how something/ your experiment is going to turn out. If the results you get match your hypothesis you can declare that it provides evidence to suggest that your hypothesis is true.

What is the test for whether a hypothesis is scientific?

A scientific hypothesis is testable, falsifiable, and based on observable evidence. It can be validated or invalidated through empirical evidence and experimentation. If a hypothesis meets these criteria, it is considered scientific.

A scientific explanation of natural occurrence is called?

A scientific explanation of a natural occurrence is called a theory or a hypothesis, depending on the level of evidence and support behind it. Theories are well-established explanations supported by a large body of evidence, while hypotheses are proposed explanations that require further testing and evidence to confirm.

What is it called when your hypothesis is correct?

When your hypothesis is correct, it is called a positive result or a successful outcome. This means that the data and evidence gathered during the experiment or study support your initial prediction or assumption.

What evidence would you expect if your hypothesis was true?

The evidence that made you come to that conclusion. Remember that a hypothesis is an educated guess

What is a statement that can be tested experimentally called?

A statement that can be tested experimentally is called a hypothesis. This is a clear and specific prediction or explanation that can be supported or rejected through empirical evidence gathered from experiments.

What is the name of a scientific guess?

A scientific guess is called a hypothesis. It is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through experimentation and observation.

How does a hypothesis become a scientific hypothesis?

when there s proof to back it up with evidence or an experiment to test the hypothesis

What is a scientific definition for evidence?
