Flash gas is state of phase of a liquid changing into Gas, at fast or faster or fastest rate. This happens mostly in case or organic volatile compounds including Refrigerant.
This phase transition is accompanied by release of energy (heat). (any phase transition requires "heat energy" added / released.
a brief rush
the flash
flash floods.
The iPods use a few different ways to store their data. Here is the list... 1). The iPod Classic Hard Drive 2). The iPod Nano Flash Based Memory 3). The first iPod Hard Drive 4). The iPod Shuffle (1-3 G) Flash Based Memory 5). The iPod Touch Flash Based Memory 6). The iPhone Flash Based Memory
A term used to describe the pressure drop in an expansion device when some of the liquid passing through the valve is changed quickly to a vapor and cools the remaining liquid to the corresponding temperature, the vapor is lost and this decreases the ability of the unit to absorb heat because of this loss.This
The flash point of natural gas is 500 F
A Gas, Gas, Gas
The flash point of natural gas is approximately -188 degrees Celsius (-306 degrees Fahrenheit). This is the temperature at which the gas will ignite if exposed to a spark or flame.
Flash gas is a refrigerant in gas form produced spontaneously when the condensed liquid is subjected to boiling. Flash gas reduces the efficiency of the refrigeration cycle, and causes an increase in super heating at the evaporator.
Flash tubes distribute the gas from the main burner to the ignition source (pilot light or igniter) to ensure proper and efficient ignition of the gas. They contribute to the safe and reliable operation of the gas cooker by directing the gas flow in a controlled manner for ignition.
it expands it
As the refrigerant exits the metering device
Ethanol: Flash point is 13 °CPropanol: Flash point is 22 °CHexanol: Flash point is 59 °CVegetable oil: Flash point is 327 °C
FLASH GAS - Instantaneous evaporation of some liquid refrigerant at the metering device due to pressure drop which cools the remaining liquid refrigerant to desired evaporation temperature.This flash gas cannot absorb any heat having a negative effect on the net refrigeration cycle