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Q: What is an investigatory detention?
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you can get some complete data on investigatory projects on these

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What is Chapter 1 in investigatory project?

The chapter 1in the investigatory project is Introduction..

What is investigatory problem?

An investigatory problem is a challenge that is associated with some form of research. One of the major investigatory problem is lack of credible sources for reference.

What are the examples of an investigatory problem?

How about using a turmeric as a highlighter ink, huh? My sister did that as her Investigatory Project and it worked. Ha, see?

What do you mean by investigatory project?

An investigatory project is the type of project that tries to find answers for questions using scientific methods. Investigatory projects are problem-solving projects.

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Administrative detention and correctional detention?

Administrative detention is detention from the principal and/or assistant principal. Correctional is from a student or designee

What is a sentence with the word detention in?

You will see me for detention after school.The juvenile was sent to the detention centre.