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What is an explicit premise

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Q: What is an implied premise?
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Can an argument have an implied premise an not have an implied conclusion?

Yes, an argument can have an implied premise without having an implied conclusion. The implicit or unstated premise may help support the explicitly stated premises and conclusion in the argument, even if there is no additional unstated conclusion.

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Your implied premise is inaccurate: peanuts are not nuts; they are legumes.

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** Identify whether there are one or more causal arguments present or implied If there are standardize each one If premises are missing insert them construct a sub-argument of each premise According to my biology lab instructor if you pour an acid on litmus paper it will turn the litmus paper red

A syllogism includes two premises and what else?

A syllogism includes two premises and a conclusion. The premises take the form of statement about classes of things and the conclusion is a similar statement which is necessarily implied by the premises.

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Your first premise is false. Not all animals live on trees or in forests. There are animals that live on savannahs, in deserts, on polar ice caps, on cliff faces, and in the ocean. So if your first premise is false, your conclusion does not follow. It's the same for the second premise as well.

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Off premise means away from the business building or establishment. In premise means inside the business building or establishment. Premise is the building that houses a business or organization.

What are the parts of syllogism?

Major Premise, Minor Premise, and Conclusion.

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What is premise indicator?

A premise indicator is a word or phrase in an argument that signals the introduction of a premise, which is a statement offering reasons or evidence to support a conclusion. Common premise indicators include "since," "because," "given that," and "for the reason that." Identifying premise indicators helps in analyzing and understanding arguments.

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What part of speech is premise?

The word premise is a noun. The plural form is premises.