The word you mean is "explicit." For example: The cake recipe came with explicit instructions which had to be followed exactly to ensure success.
This is an example of a sentence. Happyhot970: A example sentence would have a verb, subject, predicate, and maybe also a noun.
Example sentence - We were scared as the ground shook during the earthquake.
This example sentence uses the word 'sentence' in an exemplary fashion.
Food is an essential component for life of humans. This is an example sentence using essential.
A declarative sentence ends in a period. Example : Your art work is outstanding.
There are many explicit songs on iTunes.
They threw me out of school because they said that the poem that I read out on speech day was too explicit.
toilet bowl by lil Wayne
that was an explict ansa da real ansa is cucumber
An Eminent Show was in the newspaper and they said it was too explict. The judge gave explicit orders to the sheriff to enforce the law of eminent domain on a parcel of private property.
The part where Sirah was rapping contains inappropriate words
When the dependent variable is alone by itself, and everything else is at the other side.
He does not swear in it he just says d**n.
it is very sexualy explict and kinda pornagraphic
Strong sexual content in movies refers to explicit or graphic scenes depicting sexual acts, nudity, or sexual dialogue that may be intense or prolonged. This content is typically intended for mature audiences due to its explicit nature and may include depictions of sexual violence or non-consensual behavior. Strong sexual content is often rated and categorized by film classification boards to inform viewers of its presence in a movie.
An example sentence is a sentence written to show usage of a particular word or phrase. This sentence is an example of an example sentence!