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You can do many easy science projects.

You could test which cleaner works best by getting filthy water, looking at it through a microscope, then putting each cleaner in different drops of the water, and look through the microscope again.

If you have pets, you can find where they like to mark their territory.

You can test how people perform in sports with different light settings on.

You can see how different colors affect one's mood.

Just try anything, because anything works.

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7y ago

Easy Science Projects

  1. Take 2 eggs in unbroken shells, and a lamp with a bright light bulb. Mark "T" for top on one long side, and on the other egg, put the T on the end. Hold each egg (one at a time) with the T "up". Look through the egg shell as you are holding it. Where can you see through it? What do you think is in the bottom part where it is harder to look through? (Hint: yolk)
  2. With your parent's help, boil your 2 eggs; leave the T marking alone. Boil for about 12 minutes. Have your parent carefully dump out the hot water. Then pour cold water over the eggs until you can touch the shell. Let the eggs cool down for 30 minutes. Take paper; write down which egg you will do first--where is the T on that egg? Now peel that shell and carefully set the egg with its paper. Repeat for other egg. Now, have your parent slice the egg from rounded tip to rounded tip. Lay down the halved eggs near its paper. Now, boiling eggs may turn the egg yolk solid yellow, or may have a greenish edge to it. What do you think makes these colors? What colors are your yolks now? (Hint: The internal heat controls what color the egg turns. If you boil eggs too long, the yolks become more greenish in color on the outside edge.)
  3. Take Scotch tape and cut a 1 inch strip. Press the strip on the carpet in your living room. Use a magnifying glass or microscope to investigate and identify what items are on your tape. Examples: Your dog, Dobo, has tan fur but your black cat has long black whiskers. Your dad likes orange candies and you got a tiny piece of plastic that has an orange O on the wrapper. Write down everything you find, and what you identify. Make guesses about anything you cannot identify for certain.
  4. Investigate gravity. Get a laundry basket and put different light to heavier objects in it (examples: feather, book, empty plastic bottle, etc.) Take the items outside and drop each one on the driveway or sidewalk. What made the most noise? least noise? What rolled? did not roll? What went slowly to the ground? fast? fastest? How would you explain gravity based on the items you dropped?
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Q: What is an easy science project for 6th graders?
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