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Q: What is an alternative name for management science?
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Alternative name for school of business?

schools of management, school of business management

Is management an arta science or a proression?

Management as a practice is an art..and as a theory it is a science

Management art and scienes or profession?

management art and science or profeesion management art and science or profeesion

Is management art and sciences?

yes management is art and science because management need both art and a science because gaining facts is not science and doing practicle knowledge is not an art so management need both art and a science

Alternative medicine is not more effective because it is based on culture and not science?

Alternative medicine is not more effective because it is based on culture and not science

What management theory is bp using?

Behavioural science approach,management science & contigency theory

What is different between operation management and management science?

Scientific management focuses on the actual management of a business based on the theories and concepts of scientific and mathematical methods of work. Management Science develops the scientific and mathematical methods that are used in scientific management.

Is spirituality or meditation management provides MBA degree?

Spirituality and meditation are not considered science. They are considered to be alternative medicine or sometimes, religion. One can get an MBA in religion or philosophy, but not in only spirituality and meditation.

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Is Management Science or an art or Universal process?

management is a universal process

What does dd stand for after a doctors name?

The initial DDS following a doctors name indicate that the doctor has specialized in Dental Science. Another alternative would be a doctor that specialized in Dental Surgery.