MM stands for millimeter in unit of length and distance and conversion .it stands for millimeters.
It stands for mechanical. In physics, AMA stands for Actual Mechanical Advantage. (see related question)
"Tee" is an abbreviation for trustee in a living trust. Another common abbreviation is "tr." The main elements for preparing a trust are the names of the trustees, the name of the trust and the date the trust was established.
I believe the symbol you used, the "omega" stands for ohms, a measure of resistance in electricity and electrical work.
Yes. The approved symbol for grams is just the lower case g, but some places not entirely comfortable with the SI-units sometimes use gm as an abbreviation.
The abbreviation g stands for grams, therefore it is equal to 12345 grams.
The abbreviation, bldg,. stands for building.
The abbreviation for the SI unit of density is kg/m^3, which stands for kilograms per cubic meter.
abbreviation for grams is g
it is the abbreviation of 'exempli gratia', meaning 'for example'.
The abbreviation for grams is "g".
which abbreviation stands for the body system containing the heart
The abbreviation for gram is gm. and the symbol is g. Gram is short g.
The abbreviation G-7 stands for Group of Seven. It is an intergovernmental organization consisting of the world's seven largest advanced economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The abbreviation Msgr. stands for Monsignor (Italian Monsignore), a title within the Catholic clergy.
This abbreviation stands for: Technology, Entertainment, Design