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Expansion means to fill up a space.

The expansion foam expanded to fill the hole. The foam expanded to an expanse place

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Q: What is a sentence for expansion?
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How would you use Thermal expansion in a sentence?

Thermal expansion is the increase in size or volume of a material as its temperature rises.

Can you give me an example of the word expansion in a sentence?

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Oil revenue is funding the expansion of the war.

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Nope, the only way to get to northrend is to get the Wrath of Lich King Expansion pack.

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The expansion of the company led to an increase in the length of their product line.

Best weapon in sentence?

Depends what class you are, what expansion you have (if any) and if your horde or alliance.

How do you use territorial expansion in a sentence?

Territorial expansion refers to the increase of a country's land area through various means such as conquest or negotiation. An example sentence could be: "The United States engaged in territorial expansion during the 19th century, gradually acquiring land through treaties, purchases, and military conquest."

How to use lend-lease act in a sentence?

lend-lease represented a substantial credit expansion, is an example of a sentence using lend-lease act.

What is a good sentence for the word thermal expansion?

Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to change in shape, area, and volume in response to a change in temperature.

Use thermal expansion in a sentence?

When the metal bridge heated up in the summer sun, it expanded due to thermal expansion, causing the joints to shift slightly.

How can you use antifreeze in a sentence?

Sample sentence: The purpose of antifreeze is to prevent a rigid enclosure from undergoing physical stresses and catastrophic deformation due to the expansion that occurs when water turns to ice.

What is a good conclusion sentence for a text on the westward expansion?

Your conclusion needs to restate what you've said in your essay, so we can't write it for you.