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Q: What is a scientific controversy that has been reported on television?
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What scientific devices have only been around in the last ten years?

The following devices have been around in the last 10 years: WiFi, youtube, Wii, Nintendo D.S, iphone, ipod, H.D televisions, etc..

Is physics pseudo science?

No. Pseudoscience is a belief or practice which claim to be scientific but have not yet proved it. For instance, some people consider Astrology or Psychic Powers to pseudoscience (personally, I feel astrology is not pseudo science). Physics IS a scientific practice and has been proved throughout history.

How would you distinguish a scientific theory from a scientific law-?

A scientific theory is accepted as factual even though it hasn't been proven. A scientific law has been proven as fact.

A hypothesis that has been verified by many scientists?

scientific theory

What is an example of pseudoscientific idea?

There are a great many pseudo-scientific ideas that are circulating in our world. Immanuel Velikovsky wrote a book called "Worlds In Collision" in which he worked out in great detail how the planet Venus had been ejected from the planet Jupiter, of which it had once (supposedly) been a part, and how by passing close by the Earth, Venus caused various anomalous events which had been reported in the bible as miracles, such as the rain of manna in the desert, during the exodus from Egypt (supposedly, the Venusian atmosphere reacted with the Earth's atmosphere to produce manna). Nothing in this book has the slightest scientific validity or plausibility, yet it is all presented in the guise of a scientific theory, claiming to be scientific. Hence, it is pseudoscience.

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How many elements had been discovered and reported in scientific literature by 1869 when Mendeleev developed his periodic table?

By 1869, a total of 63 elements had been discovered and reported in the scientific literature. These elements formed the basis for Mendeleev's development of the periodic table.

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The word is spelled chupacabra. A chupacabra is a cryptid often reported have been seen sucking the blood of livestock. It a creature that has been reported to have been seen but there is no scientific evidence to prove that these creatures exist.

What countries has swine flu been reported in now?

I Believe in western Asia. That's one of the places i'v heard on TV. hope this helped.

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periwinkle has been reported to have a number of beneficial effects. Unfortunately, there is scarcely any scientific evidence to support these claims.

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Most of the controversy surrounds claims that the diet can cure cancer. These claims stem from anecdotal reports and are not substantiated by scientific research.

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Kyle XY has been axed by cable channel ABC Family after three seasons. As reported in US TV News, February 1 2009

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Lil' JJ is reported to have graduated from Arkansas Baptist College. He has been acting since 2005, and known for his role on the TV show, Just Jordan.

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Maria Canals Barrera is an America actress and singer. She has been in dozens of television shows and movies. Her favorite color is reported to be blue.

Is there an alien base on the moon?

There is no scientific evidence or credible sources to support the existence of an alien base on the moon. The moon has been extensively studied by space agencies and no such findings have been reported.

What scientific devices have only been around in the last ten years?

The following devices have been around in the last 10 years: WiFi, youtube, Wii, Nintendo D.S, iphone, ipod, H.D televisions, etc..

Where do watches come from?

An address that has been reported to be questionable. On line, it is available at sites that have been reported to be questionable.

Has blood ties been cancelled?

Yes it has been cancelled due to the fact that there has been a lot of controversy to it