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create a scenario where in inference can be made from several observations

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Q: What is a scenario where an inference can be made from several observations?
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Can you make an inference without having made any observations?

No, inferences are conclusions drawn from observations and evidence. Without any observations, there is no basis to make an inference.

What is a difference between observation and inference?

With an observation, you simply take note of your surroundings or what you happen to notice. In an inference on the other hand, the observations are then analyzed and a conclusion is made.

A sentence for inference?

i made a inference for the word hypothesis

What is the difference between a inference and an observation?

An observation is looking and comprehending what you see, smell, feel, taste, or hear. An inference is making an educated guess on what you observed.

What caused John Dalton to suggest that matter is made of atoms?

an atomic model explained several observations.

A student examined a patch of mud and recorded several statements about footprints in the mud Which statement is most likely an inference?

The footprints were made by a dog.

Is The movie is so good but the language could be better an inference or observation?

First you observe, then you "inference".If no observation is made you can not make an inference.You observe both the movie and the language but in order to tell good from bad you "inference".When you claim the movie is good and/or claim the language could be better, then you have applied some sort of thoughts to your observations and that is an Inference.Short answer. It should be considered an inference.It would commonly be considered an observation, but I beg to differ :-)Regards.

Can you make an inference without having made an observation?

no because how can you make an inference without making an observation

What is the noun for infer?

Inference . The boy made an inference that his brother stole his markers because his brother had marker all over him .

Which sentence states an inference that can be made from the excerpt?

It appears there is no excerpt provided for reference. Could you please provide the excerpt so I can help you identify an inference that can be made from it?

How can you use inference in a sentence?

She arrived home with wet hair, so I made the inference that she had just taken a shower.

A conclusion made by inductive reasoning is called a?

A conjecture