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a theory.

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Q: What is a proven hypothosis?
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Hypothesis in a sentence?

His hypothosis that longterm unemployment contributes to illness was proven after years of painstaking research and personal interviews

What is hypothosis?

it is a problem

What is the next step if the data from an investigation do not support the original hypothosis?

Recheck data and if still valid, scrap hypothosis

What does intooduction mean in science?

ithink its a hypothosis

What makes a hypothosis testable?

when you perform the experiment

The proposed solution to the question a scientist asks is the?


What is another name for the alternate hypothesis?

research hypothosis

Why is a hypothosis necessary?

So that you have direction in experimentation and investigation.

How do you spell hypothosis?

The correct spelling is "hypothesis."

What is a possible answer to a question called?

A guess, hypothosis, estimate?

What was Bernhard Riemann invention?

George Bernhard Riemann's invention was The Riemann Hypothosis. (s=a+bi)=0) The Riemann Hypothosis states that s=a and a= 1/2 He died having his philosophy unfinished.

What does a scientist do after he makes a hypothosis?

Design an appropriate experiment to test the hypothesis.