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Q: What is a hyphotesis?
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What is the hyphotesis purpose?

An hypothesis, is of lower 'quality' than a thesis (aka a theory). 'Hypo' means before or earlier or above. An hypothesis is the gist of a query that may be untenable, or it may prove out a good field for study. I may hypothesize that it rains more frequently on a Monday. When I have collected the data, from reliable sources, I may then examine the validity of the hypothesis, and compare Monday rain frequency (or intensity) against 'other day' rain frequency. The hypothesis helps us formulate the method of the examination, the controls, and so on.

What are the difference method in the scientific method?

1.) Observe and state the problem.-real-clear and specific-attainable-relevant and measurableplastic )and )===>products that accidentaly discovered.rubber )2.) Gather information about the problem.-computer-television-radio-books-newspaper-recall from your part experience-(computer) fastest way of gathering information-talk to people who are studying problems-interview people-peoples ideas and arguments3.) Formulation of hyphotesis-educated guess---->about what might be the answer of the problem4.) Test the hyphotesis5.)stating the problem---> statement about the result of the experiment6.) Communicating Results---->ways of communating the results-writing an article-present the findings during forma and informal meeting-give oral reports to classmates and teachers.

What is a hyposesis?

Your guess to what you think what will happen. The above answer is for a "HYPOTHESIS", however the true question here is an anatomy question of "What is the Hypophesis?". To begin "hypophesis" is actually spelled "hypophysis". The hypophysis is AKA the pituitary gland. Some people also mistakingly use the word hypophysis to describe premature portions of bone in relation to the "physis" (aka:growth plate), inwhich there is no such thing in relation to the bones.

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Steps in the scientific method.?

define,gather info,form hyphotesis,perform experiment,analyze data,interpret data,publish results,retest ou people need to define beter good day

Steps in scientific method?

define,gather info,form hyphotesis,perform experiment,analyze data,interpret data,publish results,retest ou people need to define beter good day

What is the differ between a theory an a hypothesis?

An hyphotesis is a something which you make out oy your careful observation which everyone will agree easily.But that will become a theory only when it is proved practically.I generally observed that whenever we have a dark black clouds it is going to rain at some nearby place. By, 6th Grader,Brownell Middle School,Gilroy California,USA

How do I do a good hyphotesis?

First go through the Scientific Method. 1. Name the problem or question 2. Form an educated guess (hypothesis) of the cause of the problem and make predictions based upon the hypothesis 3. Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment or study (with proper controls) 4. Check and interpret your results 5. Report your results to the scientific community

What are the assumptions in innateness hyphotesis?

The innateness hypothesis assumes that certain aspects of language acquisition are guided by innate, universal principles or structures. It posits that humans are born with a biological predisposition for language learning, including the ability to detect and process linguistic patterns. This hypothesis suggests that there are genetic factors that influence the ease and speed of language acquisition in children.

What is the hyphotesis purpose?

An hypothesis, is of lower 'quality' than a thesis (aka a theory). 'Hypo' means before or earlier or above. An hypothesis is the gist of a query that may be untenable, or it may prove out a good field for study. I may hypothesize that it rains more frequently on a Monday. When I have collected the data, from reliable sources, I may then examine the validity of the hypothesis, and compare Monday rain frequency (or intensity) against 'other day' rain frequency. The hypothesis helps us formulate the method of the examination, the controls, and so on.

What are the difference method in the scientific method?

1.) Observe and state the problem.-real-clear and specific-attainable-relevant and measurableplastic )and )===>products that accidentaly discovered.rubber )2.) Gather information about the problem.-computer-television-radio-books-newspaper-recall from your part experience-(computer) fastest way of gathering information-talk to people who are studying problems-interview people-peoples ideas and arguments3.) Formulation of hyphotesis-educated guess---->about what might be the answer of the problem4.) Test the hyphotesis5.)stating the problem---> statement about the result of the experiment6.) Communicating Results---->ways of communating the results-writing an article-present the findings during forma and informal meeting-give oral reports to classmates and teachers.

What is a hyposesis?

Your guess to what you think what will happen. The above answer is for a "HYPOTHESIS", however the true question here is an anatomy question of "What is the Hypophesis?". To begin "hypophesis" is actually spelled "hypophysis". The hypophysis is AKA the pituitary gland. Some people also mistakingly use the word hypophysis to describe premature portions of bone in relation to the "physis" (aka:growth plate), inwhich there is no such thing in relation to the bones.

What are the similarities between scientific laws and scientific theory?

There are no LAWS in science, a theory is the best you can do. There are laws in mathematics (it's all man made) and so when a scientific principal is described mathematically it is often described as a law : the law of gravity, the gas laws, etc but they're just decriptions for the technicians that need to build the gadgets.

What is the origin of gravity?

Gravity is a fundamental force in the universe that manifests as the attraction between objects with mass. According to the theory of general relativity proposed by Albert Einstein, gravity is a result of mass bending the fabric of spacetime. This curvature of spacetime dictates the motion of objects and is responsible for the phenomenon we experience as gravity.