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Q: What is a good negative control for any science experiment?
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What is a good science experiment that you can do?

a good science experiment is a 3d plant cell model

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good "science" or a good experiment can always be repeated with the same result

What should a good science experiment involve?

A good science experiment involves a good subject of investigation, that is worth looking into, and a logical design that will produce meaningful results.

Is Sprite good for roses?

yess i did a science experiment on it

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a good science experiment for 6th graders that is fun is making insta snow its fun and inexpensive

What does adequate mean in a science experiment?

Adequate means good enough. It means the same thing in a science experiment as it does in any other context.

Why is the control variable in an experiment important?

The control is whatever you base your experiment on. No control = you can't compare your data to anything = good luck making sense out of your experiment. You aren't following the scientific method if there is no control.

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good conductor

What is a good science fair experiment?

A volcano, or make a electric car, or a vinigar and baking powder experiment.

Why is the controls important in an experiment?

The control is whatever you base your experiment on. No control = you can't compare your data to anything = good luck making sense out of your experiment. You aren't following the scientific method if there is no control.

What is a good title for a volcano science fair experiment?

Hot Head Peak