"The" is the definite article in English.
Specifically, the word can be used to designate one or more than one object, person or thing. It is considered definite because it identifies someone or something specific. It therefore is the opposite of the indefinite articles "a" and "an" in the singular and "some" in the plural.
'the' is considered an adjective, specifically an article. Articles break down into definite and indefinite. The is a definite article because it refers to a specific thing. The book (a particular book) vs. a book (could be any book).
matter having no definite volume and no definite shape is a liquid
The opposite of definite is indefinite.
I will have a definite answer in about ten minutes. You must give me a definite time to meet you.
The is the definite article.
The definite article is an / na
"The" is a definite article, "world" is a noun.
The definite article is 'the' in all sentences or where ever it is used. It's the only definite article in English.
In English the word 'the' is called the definite article. 'A' or 'an' is the indefinite article.
"Solid" is a definite article.
'la' is the definite (feminine, singular) article in French
It's an indefinite article which is a type of determiner that precedes a noun. "A" and "An" are indefinite articles, and "The" is a definite article.
Was is not an article. It's a past tense for of to be.
"The" is the definite article
Der, die and das are the German equivalent of the English definite article the.German nouns are divided into three genders:feminine, with the definite article die and indefinite article eine,masculine, with the definite article der and indefinite article ein, andneuter, with the definite article das and indefinite article ein,