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Q: What is a conventional character?
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In a raisin in the sun, which character best represent the theme of achieving success in a conventional way?

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In "A Raisin in the Sun" which character best represents the theme of achieving success in a conventional way?

Walter (APEX) !/

Definition of conventional and non conventional energy?

Definition of conventional and non conventional energy

What is conventional technology?

This is the technology that is conventional

How do we name the set?

A set can be named using any character. It is conventional to use upper case (CAPITAL) letters, often in the bold version of a font resembling Castellar.

Is hydro power conventional or non conventional energy?

It is conventional because water is natural

When someone calls you a colorful local character what does it mean?

"Colorful"means that you stand out from the crowd in some way. Generally a colourful character is seen as an oddball by more conventional people. "Local" means that your notoriety does not extend beyond the small community in which you live.

What is best conventional or non conventional?

Whether conventional or non-conventional is better is a matter of opinion and circumstance. Different people have different answers.

What is conventional septic tank?

A tank that is conventional

What are the uses of conventional formulae?

What are the conventional formulae?

What is an antonym for eccentric?

Normal or conventional.

How convert conveniotional energy into non conventional energy?

You don't. There is no difference in the type of energy, between the "conventional" and "non-conventional" types. What makes energy conventional or non-conventional is the SOURCE - a conventional source being one that has been used for a long time.