Prior knowledge allows you to make a well-informed hypotheses and a better-planned experiment.
What a person intends to do in an experiment depends on what the experiment is. Someone will need to know what the exact experiment is to know what they would do in it.
Cusomer feedback
The variable in Daniel's planned experiment is the factor that he is changing or manipulating to see its effect on the outcome. It is the independent variable.
A Hypothesis
A Hypothesis
The name of this procedure is experiment.
The name of this procedure is experiment.
Experiment with this question, please.
An investigatory project is a planned experiment for the purposes of research. An investigatory project about plants would be to set up a controlled experiment to see which color of light that plants grow best in.
Prior knowledge allows you to make a well-informed hypotheses and a better-planned experiment.
The Accuracy of the results.The Validity of the experiment (does it work as planned and actually reflect your question)The Repeatability. (if you - and especially others - cant repeat it then it is not valid conclusion)Possible Variables that would effect the result.