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The New Law of Graivtation is Total Gravitational Energy is the sum of Potential energy and Momentum energy;

W = - mGM/r + cmV= -mGM/r + cP

The New Law recognizes that energy is a both a scalar quantity and a vector quantity!

The Old Newton Law had only the Potential energy. -mGM/r and did not contain the motion energy, cmV =cP. The old law did not consider the mass m as moving. The New Law considers the motion of mass m and accounts for the motion energy, cmV. This is a more correct desctiption of reality.

In addition the New Law accounts for the so called "Dark Energy", cP.

Lastly, the New Law shows the Gravitational energy is Invariant/Bounded and the Universe is Bounded and not Expanded.

0 = XW =Force = [d/dr, DEL] [-mGM/r, cP] =

0=XW=F=[vp/r -cDEL.P, cdP/dr -DEL mGM/r]

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