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is it working theory or is it paradigm

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Q: What is A theory that stands the test of time and becomes the basis for a field of study?
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A theory that stands the test of time and becomes the basis for a field of study is called?


A theory that stands the test of time and becomes the basis for a field of study is called a?

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A theory that stands the test of time and becomes the basis for a field of study is called what?

A theory that becomes the basis for a field of study and withstands scrutiny over time is often referred to as a "paradigm" or a "foundational theory." Examples include Darwin's theory of evolution in biology and Einstein's theory of relativity in physics.

A theory that stands the test of time and become the basis for a field of study is called a?

Working theory

What is a theory that stand the test of time and becomes the basis for a field of study?

is it working theory or is it paradigm

A theory that stands the test of time and becomes the basis for a field of study?

The theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed by Charles Darwin, has stood the test of time and has become the basis for the field of evolutionary biology. This theory explains how species evolve and adapt to their environments over time through genetic variations and natural selection, shaping the diversity of life on Earth.

What is supported by some evidence but is not yet the basis for a field of study is called a?

working theory

An idea that is supported by some evidence but is not yet the basis for a field of study is called?

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The most basic level of theory is?

The most basic level of theory is the framework that lays out fundamental principles or concepts on which further theories can be built. This foundational level often forms the basis for more complex understandings and explanations in a particular field of study.

What has the author Jan Rzewuski written?

Jan Rzewuski has written: 'Field theory' -- subject(s): Field theory (Physics), Quantum field theory

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Einstein is responsible for contributing numerous theories and understanding to the field of physics. Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity, The General Theory of Relativity, and worked with Neil's Bohr to develop the basis for quantum mechanics.

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