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Q: What happens to your body when you enter a cold room?
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What happens if the cold glass is put in a humid room?

then condensation will occur

What makes a room door stick?

Humidity and cold room temperatures. Happens in my house every winter.

Skin is hard to the touch and cold?

After a dead persons' body has been embalmed, their body is usually firm and hard to the touch. It may also be cold, especially if the room that they are in is cold.

Does it burn more calories to drink cold or room temperature water?

Drinking cold water can slightly increase calorie expenditure as the body works to bring it to body temperature. However, the difference is minimal and not significant for weight loss. Staying hydrated with either cold or room temperature water is more important than focusing on the slight calorie difference.

What room can you not enter?

A room that you cannot enter...

If I'm in a cold room are you cold?

No, you are in the cold room not me.

Why are dead people cold?

Dead people aren't really "cold". They're just colderthan they should be. A body's temperature in a room can't drop below room temperature, but the body feels cold to the touch because we're used to touching bodies that are the same temperature as our own.

How your body attempts to maintain a constant temperature when you are in an extremely cold air- conditioned room?

sweating; i learned this from study island from science class, with Mrs. flannery.

Why does your body feel cold when in an air-conditional room?

This is because your body temperature is different from the surrounding's temperature and it has a large difference.

What happens when a room temperature soda is poured into a glass of ice?

ice melts become it gives cold to the soda

Why body temperature varies?

Our body tends to lose or gain heat according to the room temperature - (Example: if the room is cold your body temperature will decrease and if the room is warm your body temperature will rise.)Room temperature effects the body temperature of a human being because the higher the temperature difference between the room the temperature and human body temperature, the higher the flow of heat. If the room temperature is low, then the heat from a human body is transferred into the surroundings causing the room temp. to increase and body temp. to decrease. If the room temperature is high, then the heat from the surroundings is transferred into the human body causing the room temp. to increase and body temp. to decrease.

Why a glass of ice tea takes longer to warm up than a cold can of soft drinks?

it happens because in ice, the structure of water molecules are so closely and tightly related that it takes a longer time to enter the heat at the room temperature, unlike in water