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When a thermometer is quickly dipped in hot water, it won't do anything. If you leave the thermometer in the hot water, the temperature shown will read higher. The temperature shown will not exceed the temperature of the water.

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Q: What happened when thermometer dipped in hot water?
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If i use a thermometer what will be the temperature in the plastic cup with hot water?

The thermometer will measure the temperature of the hot water in the plastic cup. The temperature will vary depending on how hot the water is when you measure it with the thermometer.

What tool do you use to measure how hot water is?

A thermometer is commonly used to measure the temperature of hot water. Simply immerse the thermometer in the water to get an accurate temperature reading.

What is used to find out how hot boiling water in science?

a thermometer

Why should not a hot thermometer be placed in ice water?

Because it will bust.

How would you find the temperature of the water?

You can measure the temperature of water using a thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the water and wait a few seconds for the reading to stabilize. The temperature displayed on the thermometer is the temperature of the water.

Why didn't the thermometer reach 100 degrees when put in boiling water?

The thermometer may have not reached 100 degrees because it wasn't left in the water long enough. Another possible reason is that maybe the water wasn't hot enough. It also depends on what type of water was put into the pot cold or hot.

What happens when a cold thermometer is kept in a hot tub of water?

the termometre gets warmer

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What happens to the mercury level when the cold thermometer is kept in a hot tub of water?

The mercury level in a thermometer placed in a hot tub of water will rise as the temperature of the water increases. This is because the volume of liquid mercury expands with higher temperatures, causing it to climb up the measuring scale in the thermometer.

How can one measure the temperature of hot air oven should i check it hanging thermometer in it through measument soket provided or keeping water in it and dipping thermometer in it through soket?

The most accurate way to measure the temperature of a hot air oven is by using a hanging thermometer placed inside the oven. This method ensures that the thermometer is directly exposed to the hot air circulating inside the oven. Placing water inside the oven and dipping a thermometer in it may not provide an accurate representation of the air temperature, as water heats up at a different rate than air.

What instrument measures hot or cold air?

A thermometer is used to measure the temperature of air, indicating whether it is hot or cold. Temperature readings are typically displayed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

Why a clinical thermometer crack in hot water?

A clinical thermometer may crack in hot water due to rapid expansion of the glass material when exposed to extreme temperatures. The sudden change in temperature causes stress on the glass, leading to cracks or breakage. Additionally, if the thermometer is not designed to withstand high temperatures, it may not be able to handle the heat and crack.