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Any element in the first column (Group 1) of the Periodic Table will react violently with water. They get more explosive as you go down the column, so that means lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium and francium will be more reactive, in that order. The elements in the second column (Group2) react less violently with water. And like the Group 1 elements, their reactivity increases as we go down the column.

When added to water the Group 1 elements, the Alkali metals, becomes a +1 ion, and the water forms OH- (creating the metal hydroxide) and H2 gas. Group 2 elements, the Alkaline earth metals, become a +2 ion, and combine to make (OH)2 metal hydroxides.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

Potassium is an element that reacts violently with water, producing hydrogen gas and enough heat to ignite the hydrogen. This reaction can result in a fire or explosion if not handled carefully.

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16y ago

The Elements that react violently with Both water and Hydrocloric acid are: * Lithium * Sodium * Potassium * Rubidium * Caesium * Francium Otherwise known as the Alkali Metals.

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15y ago

The biggest one: Lithium Tetrahydrido Aluminate LiH4Al ---> this one actually EXPLODES!

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12y ago

At least all the alkali metals, calcium, strontium, barium, fluorine, chlorine, and bromine.

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13y ago

Well most metals react violently with water but i found some websites it said's mixed metal group but to be sure just type it in Google... =)

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11y ago

rubidium (Rb)
Those metals present in top of the reactivity series such soduim(Na),Potasium(K), etc react vigorously with water, sometimes they even burst.

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12y ago

The Metals; Lithium Magnesium Cesium Francium

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10y ago


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Q: Which element reacts violently with water?
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