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Q: What facilitates the movement of materials over the surface?
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Force opposing the movement of one surface over another?


What is the movement of air due to uneven heating called?

The answer is convection currents: the upward movement of warm air and the downward movement of cool air.

Why does air flow from water to land during the day?

The sun more quickly heats the surface of the land during the daytime than that of the water. The reason for this is that the surface of the water has a much higher effective heat capacity (amount of temperature change for a given unit of heat imparted) than land. This contrast in surface temperatures causes the air column over land to expand, consequently an upper level pressure gradient to develop (high over land at altitude vs low over the water) and flow at altitude from land to ocean. This movement of air out of the land air column and towards the water air column causes a surface pressure gradient to develop, with a surface level high pressure over water and a surface level low over the land. This gradient drives the daytime "see breeze" flow of surface level air from the water to the land. It's actually part of a cell that develops that can be thought of as a roll laying parallel to the shore, going up over land, out to sea at height, down over the sea, and towards land at the surface.

Diffusion of materials over long distance is fast true or false?

False, its slower.

What refers to to water that flows over earths surface?

If you are talking about land above sea , then it would be called run off, because when precipitation falls , whether it is rain or snow , at some point it usually makes its way from the land to the sea via flowing over the surface of the earth.

Related questions

What is the term for a rapid mass movement that flows downhill over a curved surface?

The term for a rapid mass movement that flows downhill over a curved surface is known as a debris flow. These can be triggered by heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt, leading to a swift and destructive flow of materials down slopes.

Does runoff have mass movement?

Runoff refers to the movement of water over the Earth's surface, carrying sediment and other materials with it. While runoff itself does not involve mass movement, it can contribute to processes like erosion and sediment transport, which are forms of mass movement.

What factor(s) commonly triggers mass movement?

Saturation of surface materials with water, over steepening of slopes, removal of vegetation, and earthquakes. water

What kind of mass movement happens every day?

Erosion is a mass movement process that happens daily, where the wearing away and movement of soil and rock materials occur due to factors such as wind, water, and ice. This constant process shapes the Earth's surface over time.

Force opposing the movement of one surface over another?


What is movement involving a glacier sliding over its underlying surface?


What causes the movement of the air over the earth's surface?

Heat from the Sun.

What is the movement of water over a surface?

The movement of water over a surface is called runoff. It occurs when precipitation, such as rain or snow, flows across the land surface into streams, rivers, or other bodies of water. Runoff can cause erosion and carry pollutants from the land into waterways.

What is the similarities between mass movement and erosion?

Both mass movement and erosion involve the movement of Earth materials like soil, rocks, and sediments. They are both powered by gravity and can be influenced by factors such as water, wind, ice, and human activities. Both processes play a role in shaping the Earth's surface over time.

What is the name for the ways earth materials are moved around on the surface?

The movement of Earth materials on the surface is known as erosion. This process can involve the transportation of soil, rock, or sediment by wind, water, ice, or gravity. Erosion plays a key role in shaping the Earth's landscape over time.

What is the surface materials on mars?

Rusted Iron that rusted over thousands of millions of years!

What type of friction slows down movement?

Kinetic friction slows down movement by opposing the relative motion between two surfaces in contact. It occurs when an object moves over another object or surface. The friction force depends on the nature of the materials and the force pressing the surfaces together.