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The telephone and your ears. Sound is basically the vibrations of air. Bang a drum, drum vibrates, vibrations cause air to vibrate, vibrations travel in air, reaches ear drum, ear drum vibrates, brain interprets vibration as banging drum.

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15y ago
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13y ago

All waves whether it is sound, light or water, all act the same way. In modern times the frequency and path can be measured very accurately with sensitive microphones or equipment. By placing it in certain areas showing that the sound waves have the same motion as say for instance water waves.

Lions roar at a very low frequency, this helps the sound move over long distances with the lower frequency and longer and higher waves, moving over objects like trees and rocks.

Or simply look at how a speaker generates sound, by forming these very waves by moving backwards and forwards at the same frequency as the sound's being made.

Hope this helps...

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10y ago

There's no way to tell. Except that if you set up experiments capable of

detecting them, you observe that sound exhibits the reflection, refraction,

diffraction, dispersion, constructive and destructive interference that are

characteristics of wave motion and its mathematics.

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8y ago

To be transmitted, vibrations of sound waves need to cross a compressible medium.
Vacuum is not compressible.

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8y ago

It will not travel through a vacuum.

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Which type of wave a sound wave is?

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In a sound wave, air particles vibrate back and forth in the same direction that the sound wave is traveling. This vibration creates a series of compressions and rarefactions in the air, allowing the sound wave to propagate through the medium in a longitudinal wave motion.

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The Doppler effect is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. It causes the perceived pitch of a sound to change based on the relative motion between the source of the sound waves and the listener.

Is sound a particle or wave?

Sound is a wave. When an object vibrates, it causes the surrounding medium to vibrate as well, transmitting energy through a series of compressions and rarefactions. This wave motion carries the sound waves through the air until they reach our ears, where they are interpreted as sound.

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Longitudinal waves have a particle motion that is parallel to the wave motion. In these waves, particles oscillate back and forth in the same direction that the wave is traveling. Sound waves are a common example of longitudinal waves.

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A wave is a back and fro motion of particles due to vibration or oscillation, example: The sound wave which is due to the vibration of the vocal cords.

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It is also known as a compression wave

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