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Fire extinguisher and fire blanket.

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Q: What equipment is located in the lab in case of fire?
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Related questions

Why is it important to learn where safety equipment is located in the lab?

In case of emergency.

What are the safety equipment in the science lab?

fire blanket

What does the fire symbol mean in a science lab?

The fire symbol in a science lab indicates the location of fire safety equipment like fire extinguishers, blankets, or alarms. It serves as a reminder to be cautious with flammable materials and to follow appropriate safety procedures in case of a fire emergency.

What are the TWO pices of safety equipment used to respond to fires in the lab?

The two pieces of safety equipment used to respond to fires in the lab are fire extinguishers and fire blankets. Fire extinguishers are used to put out small fires by spraying a fire-suppressing agent, while fire blankets are used to smother fires and wrap around individuals to protect them from flames.

What important lab safety equipment should you know the location of at all times?

fire exit !

What you should do in event of a fire in the lab?

You should LEAVE. Keeping your exit open in case the fire can not be controlled - find and use a fire extinguisher - give the alarm !

Where are the fire blanket kept in a lab?

Fire blankets are typically located in easily accessible and visible areas of a lab, such as near the exits or fire extinguishers. They are usually mounted on walls or in cabinets for quick and easy access in case of emergencies. It's important to familiarize yourself with their location and how to properly use them to ensure safety in the event of a fire.

Why does your hair need to be tied during a science lab?

Tying back hair during a science lab is important to prevent it from getting in the way of experiments or equipment, and reduce the risk of hair catching fire if working with open flames. It also helps maintain good lab hygiene by preventing hair from contaminating samples or solutions.

What lab safety equipment is used to smother a fire?

A fire blanket is commonly used to smother a fire in a laboratory setting. It is made of fire-resistant materials and can be used to cover a fire to restrict oxygen and extinguish it.

What are the uses of a safety lab blanket?

Safety lab blankets are commonly used in laboratories to provide protection against chemical spills, splashes, and heat. They can be used to cover work surfaces, wrap around equipment, or provide a cushioning layer for fragile items. Additionally, safety lab blankets can be used as a fire retardant barrier in case of emergencies.

What type of equipment in the lab is used to protect the eyes?

the equipment that is used in a lab are goggles

What is the purpose of a science lab fire blanket?

To put out a fire! If someone's clothes catch fire, wrapping them in the blanket quickly will smother the fire. You don't want to throw it on a liquid fire or lab equipment, as it can cause the spread, but it is very useful for individuals.